
MGN 417 (M+F) Amendment 1 Radio communications GMDSS shore based maintenance

A self certification process for the registration of GMDSS shore-based maintainers.



This notice should be read in conjunction with MSN 1690 (M) and MSN 1801 (F).

This notice replaces MGN 417 (M+F).

Key Points:

  • The requirements to be met by any company offering this service are in this MGN.

  • This Note may also be useful to UK Radio Survey Authorised Persons as noted in MGN 608 (M+F).

  • Throughout the term of registration as a MCA GMDSS SBM provider, the registered entity should maintain valid classification society and quality assurance certification required under points 2.2 and 2.3 within this document. MCA should be duly notified of any changes, including renewals.

  • Revised technical qualifications as instructed within Annex 2.

Notice to all shore-based maintenance service companies, ship owners and masters.

Updates to this page

Published 28 August 2020
Last updated 9 July 2021 show all updates
  1. Uploaded a revised list of organisation July 2021

  2. Amended attachment added

  3. A revised list of organisations has been uploaded

  4. First published.

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