Military aircraft accident summary: aircraft accident to RAF Hercules XV179
Military aircraft accident summary: aircraft accident to RAF Hercules XV179
Military aircraft accident summary for aircraft accident to Royal Air Force Hercules XV179 on 30 January 2005 in Iraq.
MOD’s aircraft accident record system which summarises the detail of an incident involving military aircraft.
Following the completion of a full RAF Board of Inquiry into the causes of a serious military aircraft accident, the Directorate of Air Staff prepares a Military Aircraft Accident Summary (MAAS), which is presented to Parliament. It is written in non-technical language and is designed to be read and understood by the non-specialist. A MAAS is only ever published after the full investigation process has been completed.
It should be noted that given the passage of time, it has not been possible to locate documents for all RAF aircraft accidents. However, all those RAF MAAS held centrally (over 300) since they were first introduced in 1979 are available on the UK Government Archive website. All future MAAS will be included following presentation to Parliament.