Inquiry reports
Published Ministry of Defence Service Inquiries (SIs), Board of Inquiries (BOIs) and Military Aircraft Accident Summaries (MAAS) and other inquiry reports.
This collection provides all published Service Inquiry (SI) reports. A number Board of Inquiry (BOI) and Military Aircraft Accident Summary (MAAS) reports are also available below. Links to the UK Government Web Archive have been provided below were reports were previously published on the Ministry of Defence’s old website
Related information
Service Inquiries (SI)
A service inquiry is held after an military incident, which results in death or serious injury in order to understand the circumstances, and any changes to procedures or equipment to prevent recurrence.
For guidance about Service Inquiries please see the ‘Guide to Service Inquiries (JSP 832)’ available in the UK Government Web Archive.
Internal reviews
Board of Inquiries (BOIs)
A number of the BOIs previously published on can be found in the list below. If you are unable to find the BOI you’re looking for please visit the Boards of Inquiries available at UK Government Web Archive.
Military Aircraft Accident Summary (MAAS)
Following the completion of a full RAF Board of Inquiry into the causes of a serious military aircraft accident, the Directorate of Air Staff prepares a Military Aircraft Accident Summary (MAAS), which is presented to Parliament. It is written in non technical language and is designed to be read and understood by the non specialist. A MAAS is only ever published after the full investigation process has been completed.
It should be noted that given the passage of time, it has not been possible to locate documents for all RAF aircraft accidents. However, all those RAF MAAS held centrally (over 300) since they were first introduced in 1979 are now available on the UK Government Web Archive. All future MAAS will be included following presentation to Parliament.
Non-Statutory Inquiry reports
Updates to this page
Added 'Service Inquiry into the death of a service person during an adventurous training expedition to Stubai Glacier, Austria on 11 March 2023'.
Added: Service Inquiry into the death of a service person following completion of a military exercise at Driffield Fieldcraft Training Area on 21 September 2023.
Added: 'Service Inquiry: Service Person (A) who was found deceased on 8 June 2022 and Service Person (B) who was found deceased on 21 July 2022'.
Added: Service Inquiry into the fatal collapse of a service person while undertaking a run in Sennelager, Germany, on 16 January 2023.
Added: Service Inquiry into the death of a service person discovered in their Single Living Accommodation in Catterick on 5 February 2022.
Added: Service Inquiry into the death of a service person on 24 November 2022 following completion of a loaded march at Catterick.
Added Service Inquiry into the death of a soldier from 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment at MOD Woodbridge, July 2022.
Added: Investigation into the death of a Royal Air Force (RAF) service person and serious injuries during British Services Mountaineering Expedition, Pakistan July 2022.
Added: Investigation into the death of a Royal Air Force (RAF) service person in a motorcycle accident at Cadwell Park race circuit on Friday 27 May 2022.
Added 'Service Inquiry into the death of a service person in an accident with a Warrior armoured vehicle on Salisbury Plain Training Area on 21 June 2022'.
Added: 'Investigation into the Fatal Accident involving a Scimitar Fighting Vehicle on Salisbury Plain Training Area - 15 October 2021'.
Added: Service Inquiry into the death of a Service Person discovered in their Single Living Accommodation at Larkhill on 15 December 2021.
Added: Service Inquiry into the loss of F-35B Lightning ZM152 (BK-18).
Added: 'Service Inquiry into a road traffic accident injuring an Officer Cadet on 21 November 2019'.
Added: 'Investigation into the fatality of a Royal Air Force parachute instructor at RAF Weston on the Green on 2 September 2021'.
Added: 'Service Inquiry into the death of a Service Person at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst on 6 February 2022'.
'Service Inquiry into the death of a Service Person discovered in their Single Living Accommodation at RMAS on 6 February 2019' added.
Addition of 'Service Inquiry investigating the accident involving F-35B ZM152 on HMS Queen Elizabeth on 17 November 2021 - Interim Report'.
Addition of 'Investigation into the alleged exposure of UK Defence Personnel to asbestos during overseas exercises and training since 2018'.
Added service inquiry 'Investigation into a fatal night firing accident at Castlemartin Training Area'.
Added: Service Inquiry into the Loss of Hawk T Mk1 XX189 from 736 Naval Air Squadron, RNAS Culdrose.
Added Service Inquiry into the death of an Acting Petty Officer whilst attending the Senior Rates Leadership Course at HMS Collingwood.
Addition of: Service Inquiry report following the death of a Royal Marine Recruit following a Beach Landing Exercise
Added Service Inquiry into the death of a service person at Catterick Garrison on 23 January 2020.
Addition of 'Service Inquiry report following the deaths of two potential Recruits following the Common Selection Process'.
Addition of 'Non-Statutory Inquiry (NSI) report following a fatality during the Basic Sea Safety Course at Horsea Island, Portsmouth on 18 October 2019'.
Added the Service Inquiry report into the death of a solider during a Jackal accident on Catterick Training Area.
Added the Service Inquiry report into the death of a soldier following an animal attack at Liwonde National Park, Malawi on 5 May 2019.
Added the Update on the Service Inquiry into the deaths on 14 February 2013 in the Cairngorms National Park.
Added Service Inquiry into the death of a soldier from a gunshot wound at Camp Taji, Iraq on 2 January 2017.
Added Service Inquiry into the death of a soldier in a Road Traffic Accident at Al Asad Air Base, Iraq on 31st January 2018.
Added the Service Inquiry into the accident involving HAWK T Mk1A XX204 on 20 March 2018.
Added the Service Inquiry into the accident involving a Hercules C-130J Mk4 (ZH873) Heaving Land Incident on 25 August 2017.
Added the following Service Inquiry report into the Loss of Watchkeeper (WK043) Unmanned Air Vehicle over Cardigan Bay in West Wales on 24 March 2017 and Service Inquiry report into the Loss of Watchkeeper (WK042) Unmanned Air Vehicle over Cardigan Bay in West Wales on 3 February 2017.
Change of title to better describe the content on the page and added the latest NSI report.
Added the Service Inquiry into the accident involving a Griffin MK1 ZJ241 at Yr Aran, Snowdonia, Wales page.
Added The Service Inquiry report into the death of a soldier participating in a Night Live Firing Sniper Cadre at RAF Tain Range Field Firing Area on 1 November 2016.
Added Service Inquiry report into the Challenger 2 incident at Castlemartin Ranges, Pembrokeshire on 14 June 2017.
Added a link to the Service Inquiry into the death of a soldier participating in live fire tactical training at Heely Dodd Range, Otterburn on 22 August 2016.
Added a link to the service inquiry report into the death of a soldier during an annual fitness test at Brecon on 19 July 2016.
Added Service Inquiry into the aircraft accident involving YAK52 G-YAKB on 8 July 2016
Added Service Inquiry report into the deaths of 3 soldiers in the Brecon Beacons, Wales, in July 2013
Added Service Inquiry into the death of a soldier whilst parachuting at Bad Lippspringe, Germany, on 29 September 2015.
Added Service Inquiry into the death of a civilian climber during Rescue 137 on 25 February 2013
Added Puma XW229 and Watchkeeper 006 Service Inquiries
Added Service Inquiry: accident involving the Falcons display team on 22 June 2014
Added: Service Inquiry into the Watchkeeper (WK031) Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) accident at West Wales Airport on 16 October 2014
Added Service Inquiry into death of a Royal Marine during an endurance march on Dartmoor Training Area on 28 May 2015.
Added Board of Inquiry report for Pte James.
Added link to Military aircraft accident summaries in the National Archives.
Add new Service Inquiry internal review for Op Telemeter.
Added Interim report from the Service Inquiry investigating the incident involving Gazelle XZ936 on 2 June 2014.
Added Service Inquiry: accident involving Lynx Mk 9 ZF540 on 26 April 2014
Added Service Inquiry: accident involving Tornado ZD743 and Tornado ZD812 over Moray Firth
Added Service Inquiry: accident involving Sea King ZE428 at RNAS Yeovilton to the index.
Added Service Inquiry: incident involving Voyager ZZ333 on 9 February 2014.
Added 'Service Inquiry report into the accident involving Tucano ZF349' and 'Service Inquiry into the accident involving Hawk TMk1 XX177'.
First published.