Corporate report

Service Inquiry: accident involving Tornado ZD743 and Tornado ZD812 over Moray Firth

Findings and recommendations of the Service Inquiry into the accident involving Tornado ZD743 and ZD812 on 3 July 2012.


Part 1.1 Covering note

Part 1.2 Convening order

Part 1.3 Narrative of events

Part 1.4 Analysis and findings

Part 1.4.1 Pre-existing conditions

Part 1.4.3 Sortie (ASTON 1)

Part 1.4.6 Other

Part 1.4.6 Other (continued)

Part 1.4.6.Other (continued)


A Service Inquiry was carried out into the accident involving Tornado ZD743 and Tornado ZD812 on 3 July 2012 over Moray Firth. It highlights the findings of the Inquiry and its recommendations to prevent recurrence.

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Published 30 June 2014

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