
Information on mine water heat access agreements

Updated 13 December 2024

Anyone wanting to access coal mine workings for the purpose of a mine water heating, cooling or storage scheme or research project will require permission from the owner of the coal mine workings.

In most cases in England, Scotland and Wales, the owner will be the Mining Remediation Authority.

A permit to drill is required for drilling that intersects with any remaining coal or coal mine workings.

A permit is also required for establishing baseline data which may include monitoring water levels, water temperature and water chemistry or surveys including, but not limited to, CCTV and sonar to establish condition of underground property.

A mine water heat access agreement is required for testing and operating a mine water heat scheme.

In providing these permissions, the Mining Remediation Authority will review applications for their consideration of the risks related to:

  • mine gas
  • ground stability
  • water levels
  • water chemistry

If you are considering developing a mine water heat scheme we advise making early contact with the Mining Remediation Authority’s mine water heat licensing team for an information pack.

This pack includes:

  • details of the permissions required
  • an indicative timeline
  • application documents
  • a best practice note

In developing a scheme, the requirements of the relevant environmental regulator also need to be in place, which may differ based on the location and specific scheme details. 

Country Environmental regulator
England Environment Agency
Scotland Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Wales Natural Resources Wales

Operators and applicants are advised to contact the relevant environmental regulator on their requirements. 

Additional permissions, such as planning permission, may be required and applicants need to consider appropriate notifications to the Health and Safety Executive.

1. Schemes within England

The environmental regulator is the Environment Agency.

A combined process has been developed between the Environment Agency and the Mining Remediation Authority which sets out the stages involved in securing the relevant permissions.

The documentation for this process is included within the information pack.

View the mine water heat access agreement application process timeline for England

View the mine water heat access agreement application timeline with guidance and Gantt chart - for England only

2. Schemes within Scotland and Wales

The regulators are:

  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Scotland
  • Natural Resources Wales in Wales

For schemes within Scotland and Wales a combined process is currently being developed.

Mine water heat licensing team

Mining Remediation Authority
200 Lichfield Lane
NG18 4RG