Minimising and Managing Use of Separation and Isolation in the Children and Young People Secure Estate
Principles and requirements which should be followed when separation or isolation is being considered or managed in under-18 Young Offender Institutions, Secure Training Centres and Secure Children’s Homes in England and Wales.
This Policy Framework sets out the principles and requirements which all staff in under-18 Young Offender Institutions, Secure Training Centres and Secure Children’s Homes in England and Wales should apply when considering or managing the separation or isolation of children in those settings.
From the relevant date of implementation Governors, Directors and Managers of secure settings must ensure that local policies, operating procedures or guidance reflect the requirements in this Policy Framework.
Governance, timings for activities and safeguards within PSO 1700 will continue to apply to YOI – staff and Governors these settings should refer to the Operational Expectations on the management of separation guidance issued by the Youth Custody Service.