
Minor and temporary adjustment (MTA) form: Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship

Form for Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Environmental Stewardship (ES) agreement holders to request a minor and temporary adjustment to the requirements for the options in their agreement.

Applies to England


Minor and temporary adjustment form


Use this form to request a minor and temporary change when you cannot meet the rules for the options in a CS or ES agreement. (For previous similar schemes, this was known as requesting ‘a derogation’.) You can use this form for issues such as adverse weather conditions - for example hot weather leading to:

  • hay crops needing to be cut earlier than usual
  • you needing to make changes to grazing, cropping and supplementary feeding requirements

Do not use this form to request an amendment to extend your CS capital works plan.

Please email your completed form to: Make sure you put ‘Adjustment request’ and either ‘Environmental Stewardship’ or ‘ES’, or ‘Countryside Stewardship’ or ‘CS’, in the subject title of the email. This will help us respond more quickly to your request.

We must approve your request before you make any changes to how you manage your agreement.

Updates to this page

Published 4 July 2018
Last updated 20 December 2019 show all updates
  1. The Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship Minor and Temporary Adjustment form has been updated as follows. - Information about completing and returning the form by email. - Information about permissions for agents or partnership representatives acting as an agents. - Requesting ‘Option title’ information in the land details section. - Updating Section 4: Agrochemical use on conventional land, including seeking advice from a BASIS agronomist. The text on the GOV.UK page has been updated to include information about returning the form by email.

  2. Form updated to include Environmental Stewardship requests for minor and temporary adjustments.

  3. Changed return form to Natural England to return form to RPA

  4. First published.

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