Funding instruction for local authorities: Move On grant funding (accessible)
Published 25 March 2025
Financial year 2024-2025
Scheme reference: 548
Date of issue 21 March 2025
Version 1.0
In relation to the purpose
Scheme name:
Move On Grant Funding
Scheme reference:
Scheme purpose:
Increased decision making has placed pressure on Local Authorities to provide advice and support to newly granted refugees leaving the asylum accommodation system. In recognition of these pressures £2.8m of funding will be distributed to a limited number of Local Authorities most impacted by increased decision making for services that have been delivered during the second half of 2024/2025.
Terms and conditions of funding
1 Definitions
1.1 “Annex” means the annexes attached to this Funding Instruction.
1.2 “Asylum Seeker” means, for the purpose of the funding this relates to Section 110 of the Asylum and Immigration act 1999 which covers persons who are, or have been, asylum-seekers, and their dependents.
1.3 “Authority” means the Secretary of State for the Home Department acting through the Asylum Transformation Team on behalf of the Crown.
1.4 “Branding Manual” means the HM Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s Branding Manual ‘Funded by UK Government[footnote 1]’ first published by the Cabinet Office in November 2022, including any subsequent updates from time-to-time.
1.5 “Clause” means the clauses in this Funding Instruction.
1.6 “Commencement Date” means the date on which the Funding Instruction comes into effect being the 01 September 2024.
1.7 “Crown Body” (or “Crown”) means the governments of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, ministers and departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions, or agencies from time-to-time carrying out functions on its behalf.
1.8 “Data Protection Legislation” means (i) the UK General Data Protection Regulations (“UKGDPR”) including the Law Enforcement Directive and any applicable implementing Laws as amended from time to time, (ii) the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA 2018”) to the extent that it relates to the processing of Personal Data and privacy, and (iii) all applicable Law about the processing of Personal Data and privacy.
1.9 “Data Incident” means any circumstance which results in the loss, theft or inappropriate disclosure of information obtained as a result of pursuing the Purpose to a Third Party whether by accident or intention.
1.10 “Day” means any calendar day Monday through Sunday (inclusive).
1.11 “Delivery Partner” means any Third Party whether an organisation or an individual working with the Recipient, whether remunerated or not, in the delivery of this Funding Instruction for the provision of the Purpose.
1.12 “Duplicate Funding” means funding received by the Recipient from a Third Party (including a Crown Body) which is intended to be used to deliver the Purpose, and which has not been declared to the Authority.
1.13 “Eligible Expenditure” means all costs, expenses, liabilities, and obligations that are related to, incurred by or arise out of the delivery, activities and operations of the Purpose by the Recipient from the Funding Period, start date of 01 September 2024 up until 31 March 2025; and which comply in all respects with the eligibility rules set out in this Instruction as determined by the Authority at its sole discretion.
1.14 “Funding” means the Authority’s payments to a Recipient for Eligible Expenditure incurred supporting Move On and in accordance with the terms and outcomes of this Instruction.
1.15 “Funding Instruction” (or the “Instruction”) means this document which describes the conditions under which a Recipient may claim Funding.
1.16 “Funding Period” means the period for which payments are made is from the Commencement Date to 31 March 2025.
1.17 “Information Acts” means the Data Protection Legislation, Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“EIR”) in force, and any applicable implementing Laws as amended from time to time.
1.18 “In Writing” means modes of representing or reproducing words in visible form including but not limited to paper correspondence, email, display on screen and electronic transmission.
1.19 “Law” means any applicable law, statute, bye-law, regulation, order, regulatory policy, guidance or industry code, judgement of a relevant court of law, or directives or requirements of any regulatory body, delegated or subordinate legislation.
1.20 “Newly Granted Refugees”, for the purposes of this funding means those asylum seekers who have received a positive decision on their asylum application.
1.21 “An “Overpayment” means Funding paid by the Authority to the Recipient in excess of the amount due.
1.22 Recipient” means a participating local or regional authority to which the Authority has agreed to provide funding under this Instruction as a contribution towards eligible expenditure incurred supporting Move On.
1.23 “Schedule” means the Schedules attached to this Funding Instruction.
1.24 “Scheme” means the Move On Grant for Local Authorities Scheme.
1.25 “Staff” means any person employed or engaged by the Recipient and acting in connection with the operation of this Instruction including the Recipient’s owners, directors, members, trustees, employees, agents, suppliers, volunteers and Delivery Partners (and their respective employees, agents, suppliers and Delivery Partners) used in the delivery of the funded outcomes.
1.26 “Supported People”, means asylum seekers who are accommodated and/or receiving financial support from the Home Office whilst their asylum claim is being determined.
1.27 “Third Party” means any party whether person or organisation other than the Authority or the Recipient.
1.28 “Working Day” means any day from Monday to Friday (inclusive) which is not specified or proclaimed as a bank holiday in England and Wales pursuant to section 1 of the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 including Christmas Day and Good Friday.
2 This instruction
2.1 The Authority is exercising the power conferred to it by Section 110 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
2.2 This Instruction consists of (11) Clauses, one (1) Schedule, and two (2) Annexes.
3 Scope and duration
3.1 In keeping with established HM Treasury funding policies, the Authority will issue a fresh Instruction for each financial year for which Funding is approved. This will occur whether or not any changes are made.
3.2 This Funding Instruction sets out the terms under which the Home Office (the Authority) will make funding available to local authorities in England, Wales, and Scotland between 01 September 2024 to 31 March 2025 to assist with supporting refugees through the move on process.
3.3 The Recipient has supported the Authority, and as such the Authority has agreed to provide Funding to the Recipient as a contribution to supporting a Newly Grant Refugee.
3.4 Unless specifically stated otherwise, any Funding will be in respect of a Recipient’s costs in fulfilment of its statutory duties, and anything otherwise agreed with the Authority.
3.5 The Recipient shall be free to determine how best to utilise the Funding but for monitoring and Scheme evaluation purposes must be able to demonstrate to the Authority that they have fulfilled the eligibility conditions of this Grant Funding Instruction.
4 Transparency, confidentiality, data protection and data sharing
4.1 The Recipient acknowledges that grant funded arrangements issued by Crown Bodies may be published on a public facing website and that the Authority shall disclose payments made against this Instruction in accordance with the UK Government’s commitment to efficiency, transparency and accountability.
4.2 The Recipient undertakes to keep confidential and not to disclose, and to procure that its Staff keep confidential and do not disclose any information of a sensitive nature which it has obtained by reason of this Instruction.
4.3 Nothing in this Clause 4 applies to information which is already in the public domain or the possession of the Recipient other than by reason of breach of this Clause 4. Further, this Clause 4 shall not apply to information which is required to be disclosed pursuant to any law or pursuant to an order of any court or statutory or regulatory body.
4.4 The Recipient and the Authority will comply at all times with its respective obligations under UK Data Protection Legislation.
4.5 The Recipient shall ensure that any personal information concerning any Asylum Seeker disclosed to them in the course of delivering the Scheme is treated as confidential and should only be disclosed to a Third Party in accordance with the provisions of UK Data Protection Legislation. In the event of any doubt arising, the matter shall be referred to the Authority whose decision on the matter shall be final. In particular, the Recipient shall:
a. have in place appropriate policies and procedures to recognise and maintain the Asylum Seeker’s need for confidentiality; and
b. ensure that without the consent of an Asylum Seeker, details of that individual Asylum Seeker are not released to any organisation not party to this Instruction.
4.6 All approaches made by any person or organisation not party to this Instruction in respect of delivery to fund the Scheme must be referred to the Authority’s press office for their advice and/or action.
4.7 Where applicable, the Recipient and the Authority are required to comply with the Information Acts, any subordinate legislation made, and any guidance issued by the Information Commissioner.
4.8 The Recipient shall ensure that it has adequate provisions and effective controls in place to manage:
4.15.1 data and prevent Data Incidents,
4.15.2 the processing of data shared between itself and any Delivery Partner; and
4.15.3 compliance with its obligations arising from the UK Data Protection Legislation.
4.9 The Recipient agrees to assist and cooperate with the Authority to enable the Authority to comply with its obligations under the Information Acts whenever a request is made for information which relates to or arises out of this Instruction.
4.10 No information shall be disclosed if such disclosure would be in breach or is exempted from disclosure under the Information Acts.
4.11 The provisions of this Clause 4 shall survive the termination of this Instruction, however that occurs.
5 Funding
Eligible expenditure
5.1 Funding provided must not be used for any purpose other than achieving delivery of the outcomes for Newly Granted Refugees as detailed in this Instruction.
Ineligible expenditure and limitations of funding use
5.2 The Grant may under no circumstances be used to:
a. pay for lobbying (via an external firm or in-house staff) in order to undertake activity that intends or attempts to influence Parliament or Crown Bodies or political parties, for example, attempting to influence legislative or regulatory action; or, the awarding or renewal of contracts and grants; or attempting to influence legislative or regulatory action, or
b. enable one part of government to challenge another on topics unrelated to the Purpose, or
c. petition the Authority or other Third Parties for additional funding, or
d. pay expenses, such as entertaining, specifically aimed at exerting undue influence to change government policy, or
e. pay input VAT reclaimable by the Recipient from HMRC, or
f. fund activity that may be party-political in intention, use, or presentation, or
g. support or promote activities of an exclusively religious nature. This will not include activity designed to improve inter-faith relationships or working, or
h. pay towards litigation costs incurred by the Recipient. Duplicate Funding
5.3 The Recipient shall not apply for or obtain Duplicate Funding for the same expenditures whilst they are in receipt of Funding under this Instruction. To avoid there being Duplicate Funding the Authority will require the Recipient to repay as an Overpayment.
5.4 The Authority may refer the Recipient or any Delivery Partner to the police should it fail to notify the Authority of, or dishonestly and intentionally obtain, Duplicate Funding to deliver the Purpose.
5.5 In the event that an Overpayment is made, howsoever caused, the Authority must be notified as soon as reasonably practicable. In such instances, the Authority will require immediate reimbursement of the Overpayment or may adjust subsequent payment(s) accordingly.
Cessation of funding
5.6 The Authority reserves the right to cease payments through this Instruction if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the Local Authority has sought to deceive the Authority, the relevant Recipient or a partner agency in relation to their circumstances, including their inclusion on the Scheme or their activities whilst so involved.
5.7 Unauthorised spends that exceed the maximum stated Funding levels will not be reimbursed by the Authority.
5.8 The relevant recipient will be the single point of contact for invoicing and payments.
5.9 Any payments made under this Instruction will also cover VAT or other duties paid by the Recipient to the extent that these are not otherwise recoverable by the Recipient.
Termination or changes to the funding instruction
5.10 This Funding Instruction may be amended by the Authority at any time and without notice.
5.11 This Funding Instruction may be withdrawn by the Authority at any time with Sixty (60) Days notice In Writing.
6 Data reconciliations and payments
6.1 The Recipient will receive payment notifications in the form set out in Annex A, which includes the payment amounts to be issued to each Local Authority.
6.2 One recognition payment will be made within Thirty (30) Days of notification of a payment allocation.
6.3 Any queries regarding the amount paid must be notified by the relevant Recipient to the Move On Team ( within Thirty (30) Days of the Annex A notification being sent.
6.4 Where a Recipient believes that the level of Funding actually paid by the Authority is less than that to which they are entitled under the terms of this Instruction, the Recipient may make representations to the Authority’s Funding Team. Any discrepancies must be notified to the Move On Team ( via the dispute process (Annex B) within Thirty (30) Days of a payment being made.
6.5 Payment will be made by BACS using account details that the Recipient must supply to the Authority. The Recipient is responsible for ensuring that the Authority has been notified of its correct bank account details and any subsequent changes.
6.6 Original notification of, and all subsequent amendments to, the Recipient’s bank details must be provided In Writing on its own headed notepaper, in PDF format, and duly signed by a Senior Finance Officer. The information which the Authority requires to enable a new account or change of BACS payment details is itemised in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Recipient details
- Registered name of company
- Trading name of company
- Company registration number
- Vat registration number
Recipient address details
- Registered address
- Credit control or finance address
Contact details
- Email address for purchase orders
- Email address for remittance advice
- Email address for invoice queries
- Telephone number for accounts receivable or credit control
Payment details
- Bank name
- Branch name and address
- Company bank account name
- Bank account number
- Bank account sort code
6.7 In line with Cabinet Office guidance and with respect to due diligence, site visits will be arranged where the Recipient has been paid £100,000 or above.
7 Monitoring and evaluation
7.1 The Recipient should itself manage and administer the quality and level of delivery relating to the support it provides to Newly Granted Refugees.
7.2 In all cases, to assist with monitoring and evaluation of the Scheme, the Recipient shall supply the Authority with all such financial information as is reasonably requested from time-to-time, on an open book basis.
8 Breach of funding conditions
8.1 Where a Recipient fails to comply with any of the conditions set out in this Instruction, or if any of the events mentioned in Clause 8.2 occur, then the Authority may reduce, suspend, or withhold payments, or require all or any part of the relevant payments to be repaid by the Recipient. In such circumstances, the Recipient must repay any amount required under this Clause 8.1 within Ninety (90) Days of receiving the demand for repayment.
8.2 The events referred to in Clause 8.1 are as follows:
8.2.1 The Recipient purports to transfer or assign any rights, interests or obligations arising under this Instruction without the agreement in advance of the Authority, or
8.2.2 Any information provided in the application for Funding (or in a claim for payment) or in any subsequent supporting correspondence is found to be incorrect or incomplete to an extent which the Authority considers to be material, or
8.2.3 The Recipient takes inadequate measures to investigate and resolve any reported irregularity.
9 Activities: general
9.1 When procuring works, goods or services the Recipient must ensure that it complies with its statutory obligations, for example the Procurement Act 2023. In any event, the Recipient shall demonstrate value for money and shall act in a fair, open and non-discriminatory manner in all purchases of goods and services to support the delivery of the Scheme.
9.2 The Recipient must take all reasonable steps to ensure that anyone acting on its behalf shall not bring the Authority or the Scheme into disrepute; for instance, by reason of prejudicing and/or being contrary to the interests of the Authority and/or the Scheme.
9.3 The Recipient shall at all times from the Commencement Date, during and following the end of the Funding Period:
9.3.1 comply with requirements of the Branding Manual in relation to the Purpose; and
9.3.12 cease use of the Funded by UK Government logo on demand if directed to do so by the Authority.
Hours of operation
9.4 The Recipient shall note that the Authority performs normal business during the hours of 09.00 to 17.00 on Working Days.
Staff standards
9.5 At all times whilst delivering the Scheme the Recipient shall be mindful of the intent, and apply the spirit, of the UK Government’s “Code of Conduct for Recipients of Government General Grants”[footnote 2] which outlines the standards and behaviours that the government expects of all its Delivery Partners.
9.6 The Recipient shall ensure that it has relevant organisational policies in place to deliver the activities funded by this Instruction. These shall remain current for the duration of this Instruction and be reviewed regularly by appropriately senior staff. All staff must be aware of these policies and of how to raise any concerns.
9.7 The Recipient shall implement the Scheme in compliance with the provisions of UK Data Protection Legislation.
10 Liability
10.1. The Authority accepts no liability to the Recipient or to any third party for any costs, claims, damage or losses, however they are incurred, except to the extent that they are caused by the Authority’s negligence or misconduct.
11 Dispute resolution
11.1 The Parties shall attempt in good faith to negotiate a settlement to any dispute between them arising out of or in connection with this Instruction in line with Annex B.
11.2 The Parties may settle any dispute using a dispute resolution process which they agree.
11.3 If the Parties are unable to resolve a dispute in line with the requirements of Clauses 11.1 or 11.2, the dispute may, by agreement between the Parties undertake Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and be referred to mediation in accordance with the Model Mediation Procedure issued by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (“CEDR”), or such other mediation procedure as is agreed by the Parties. Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, the mediator will be nominated by CEDR. To initiate the mediation the Party shall give notice In Writing (the ADR Notice) to the other Party, and that latter Party will choose whether or not to accede to mediation. A copy of the ADR Notice should be sent to CEDR. The mediation will start no later than ten (10) Working Days after the date of the ADR Notice.
11.4 The performance of the obligations which the Recipient has under this Instruction will not cease or be delayed because a dispute has been referred to mediation under Clause 11.3 of this Instruction.
12 Contact details
12.1 For queries relating to this Instruction, please email the relevant Move On Team (
Schedule 1
1 Payments schedule
1.1 A payment will be made to Local Authorities to support Move On. The Funding claimed under this Instruction is being made available to fund to a specifically identified group of Local Authorities as a retrospective payment for activities and spend already incurred.
Payment profile
1.2 Under this Funding Instruction the Authority will make payments to the Recipient based on a methodology that takes into account the number of asylum decision expected to be made during the second half of 2024/2025 and homelessness pressures faced by Local Authorities in 2023/2024. These will be paid as detailed by 31 March 2025. No further funding will be paid by the Authority to a Recipient under this Funding Instruction. The Authority may opt to make further payments under further funding instructions but does not commit to do so within this Instruction.
Payment methodology
1.3 The allocations have been chosen to reflect both Asylum decision making numbers and homelessness pressures. The allocations have been calculated in three separate stages.
1.4 UK-level allocations (£2.8 million): Distributing the total fund across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
1.5 England Local Authority (LA) allocations: Distributing England’s share among individual Local Authorities using specific weightings.
1.6 Scotland and Wales allocations: Distributing their share based on asylum decision-making and homelessness pressures.
1.7 A minimum allocation of £20,000 per LA has been applied, ensuring all areas receive meaningful funding.
Payment formula for national and local authority allocations
1.8 The first stage has been a distribution of the overall £2.8 million funding. A weighting of 70:30 has been applied, based on: 70% – Expected asylum decisions (PBVT data, October 2024) and 30% – Homelessness data (2023/24 UK-wide homelessness data).
1.9 The Place Based Visibility Tool (PBVT) is unpublished but has been shared with Local Authorities. Decisions expected from the Wethersfield accommodation centre have been excluded from this scheme as there is no requirement on the authority to provide move on services.
1.10 The homelessness data sources are: England: Statutory homelessness in England: financial year 2023-24 - Homelessness in England: financial year 2023-24 (the data used at this stage is general homelessness data as opposed to specific asylum support leaver data, which is considered at stage two instead). Wales: StatsWales Homelessness Data. Scotland: Homelessness in Scotland: 2023-24 - Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Homelessness Bulletin April - September 2024 | Department for Communities (Note: Data covers only 9 months, so an average was used for full-year estimates.)
1.11 Housing policy is devolved, leading to divergent approaches to homelessness across the UK. While all four nations have legal duties to secure accommodation for homeless applicants, the criteria and level of support vary.
1.12 Data from England indicates that 41% of those presenting as homeless are placed in temporary accommodation. However, Scotland and Wales require all newly recognised refugees presenting as homeless to be housed in temporary accommodation. To reflect this additional burden, an uplift factor of 2.43x has been applied to their allocations.
1.13 Final funding allocations for the four nations are:
1.14 England: £2,235,353.30, Scotland: £373,694.32, Wales: £84.347.03 and Northern Ireland: £85,318.60.
1.15 Funding within England is distributed using a 50/25/25 split, weighting PBVT data (of future pressures) against homelessness and rough sleeping data held by MHCLG:
50% – PBVT asylum decision data (expected decisions per LA)
25% – Rough sleeping data (asylum leavers in the past 85 days – MHCLG management information)
25% – H-CLIC homelessness data (households owed a prevention/relief duty due to leaving Home Office accommodation – Statutory homelessness in England: October to December 2023 - GOV.UK).
1.16 Funding for Scotland and Wales is distributed to individual Local Authorities using a 70:30 split between:
70% – PBVT asylum decisions (expected 2024/25 decisions per LA)
30% – Homelessness pressures (devolved nation-specific data)
How to claim
1.17 As per Clause 6.1 of this Instruction, the Recipient will receive payment notifications in the form set out in Annex A, which includes the payment amounts to be issued.
1.18 Payment details and timings are set out in Clauses 6.1 to 6.8 of this Instruction.
Annex A: Payment allocation
Local authority | Final allocation (England) |
Barnet | £50,416.30 |
Birmingham | £88,472.84 |
Bolton | £48,152.24 |
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole | £32,494.22 |
Bradford | £41,523.83 |
Brent | £37,854.84 |
Bristol, City of | £29,634.82 |
Bury | £32,001.43 |
Camden | £23,394.59 |
Cheshire West and Chester | £27,552.48 |
Coventry | £55,448.80 |
Croydon | £33,214.62 |
Derby | £61,542.79 |
Ealing | £53,046.71 |
Hackney | £24,729.92 |
Hammersmith and Fulham | £23,113.51 |
Halton | £31,985.75 |
Hillingdon | £84,348.64 |
Hounslow | £83,279.15 |
Islington | £38,769.26 |
Kirklees | £22,324.65 |
Knowsley | £22,173.87 |
Kingston upon Hull, City of | £26,283.32 |
Leeds | £52,142.09 |
Leicester | £72,552.40 |
Liverpool | £78,239.34 |
Luton | £47,531.87 |
Manchester | £151,238.84 |
Mid Sussex | £29,507.47 |
Newcastle upon Tyne | £38,439.16 |
Newham | £48,713.93 |
Nottingham | £67,691.17 |
Oldham | £45,157.76 |
Portsmouth | £22,309.41 |
Reading | £22,283.70 |
Redbridge | £28,312.69 |
Rochdale | £22,885.43 |
Salford | £43,153.19 |
Sandwell | £33,977.82 |
Sheffield | £51,081.93 |
South Gloucestershire | £31,982.79 |
Southwark | £53,748.24 |
St. Helens | £21,021.61 |
Stockport | £25,308.65 |
Stoke-on-Trent | £32,786.44 |
Stockton-on-Tees | £21,337.95 |
Swindon | £30,266.34 |
Tameside | £23,156.28 |
Tower Hamlets | £32,385.53 |
Wakefield | £21,235.13 |
Westminster | £54,141.65 |
Wigan | £36,535.69 |
Wolverhampton | £24,460.20 |
Local authority | Final allocation (Wales) |
Cardiff | £57,948.47 |
Swansea | £26,398.56 |
Local authority | Final allocation (Scotland) |
Aberdeen, City of | £42,214.14 |
Aberdeenshire | £32,997.76 |
Dundee City | £21,632.02 |
Edinburgh, City Of | £39,304.66 |
Glasgow City | £192,473.73 |
Perth and Kinross | £20,993.66 |
South Lanarkshire | £24,078.36 |
Annex B: Disputed claims resolution
1.1 In this annex, the following expressions shall have the meanings set out below:
a. “Dispute” a difference in the amount paid under this Instruction.
b. “Dispute Resolution Procedure” is the dispute resolution procedure contained within this annex.
c. “Notice of Dispute” has the meaning in 1.2 of this Annex.
d. “Standard Dispute Timetable” the standard timetable for the resolution of Disputes set out below: All disputes need to be submitted no later than Thirty (30) Days after payment.
1.2 The Dispute Resolution Procedure shall start with the service of a Notice of Dispute.
1.3 The Notice of Dispute shall:
a. set out the particulars of the Dispute in writing, and
b. elect the Dispute should be dealt with under the Standard Dispute Timetable.
1.4 Unless agreed otherwise In Writing, the Recipient shall continue to comply with their obligations under the Instruction regardless of the nature of the Dispute and notwithstanding the referral of the Dispute to the Dispute Resolution Procedure.
1.5 The time periods set out in the Standard Dispute Timetable shall apply to all Disputes unless the Parties agree In Writing that an alternative timetable should apply in respect of a specific Dispute.
1.6 If at any point it becomes clear that an applicable deadline set out in the Standard Dispute Timetable cannot be met or has passed, the Parties may agree In Writing to extend the deadline. Any agreed extension shall have the effect of delaying start of the subsequent stages set out in the Standard Dispute Timetable by the period agreed in the extension.
1.7 The Parties shall use all reasonable endeavours to settle any Dispute between them in good faith and in accordance with the procedures set out in this Schedule.
1.8 In the first instance, the Authority and the Recipient will use their respective reasonable endeavours to resolve all Disputes as soon as possible, at the levels and within the timescales set out in Table 2 the Standard Dispute Timetable.
Table 2
Owner | Standard dispute timetable |
Grant team | Within twenty (20) working days |
Grant manager | Within twenty (20) working days |
Senior officer responsible | Within ten (10) working days |