
Manage an online money claim as a legal professional

Published 7 March 2025

1. Before you start

Before you can manage a case using MyHMCTS, you or your organisation must have completed other steps:

  1. Set up an HMCTS Payment by Account (PBA) to pay the court fees online.
  2. Registered your organisation with MyHMCTS.
  3. Set up your MyHMCTS user account.

The MyHMCTS registration guidance has further information and instructions. If your organisation has an account already, contact the administrator to arrange for your account creation.

If you need additional help with MyHMCTS email We aim to respond within 5 working days.

Before you can manage a claim, you will first have to issue it. See the guide for how to issue an online money claim as a legal professional.

2. The defendant responds to the claim

The defendant’s legal representative must respond online. An unrepresented defendant can either respond online or by post. If they respond by post, the case will proceed offline. You will be told if this happens. All further updates will be by post.

An unrepresented defendant can also choose to respond in Welsh if that is their preferred language. If they do, there will be an automatic extension to the response timeline to allow for translation.

If there are 2 defendants, the claim will proceed online if both defendants:

  • have a legal representative
  • provide the same response – for example, both admit the claim and offer to pay in full

If one or both conditions are not met, the case will proceed offline. All further updates will be by post.

When the defendant responds, you will receive an email. You must review the response and update the case in MyHMCTS to tell the court how you want to proceed.

Defendant admits the claim

You must use MyHMCTS to respond to the offer or your claim may be dismissed after 28 days. The full response will be in the ‘Documents’ tab.

Full admission to pay immediately

If the defendant admits the full amount claimed and offers to pay immediately, they will have 5 working days to pay.

If they do not pay within 5 days, you can use MyHMCTS to ask for judgment by admission. You must still respond.

Full admission with payment plan or set date

The defendant may admit the full amount claimed but make an offer to pay by a set date or by instalments with a payment plan. If they are an individual, they will be asked for their financial details. Limited company or organisation defendants will not be asked for their financial details online – they will be provided by post.

If you accept the set date or payment plan, you can use MyHMCTS to request judgment by admission.

If you reject the set date offer or payment plan, the case will be taken offline for a decision to be made on the repayment rate. All further updates will be by post.

Part admission

The defendant may only partly admit the claim and, for example, dispute the amount that is owed.

If you accept the partial claim and any offer, the case will proceed as if it were fully admitted.

If you reject the partial claim and any offer, the case will proceed as a disputed claim and will remain online.

Defendant disputes the claim

The defence and directions questionnaire will be in the ‘Claim documents’ tab. You must review these and decide whether or not to proceed.

If you proceed, you must complete a directions questionnaire.


If you have a claim up to £10,000 that is disputed, the court will seek to resolve your claim through mediation.

If the case is settled at mediation, the mediator will update the case online as settled.

If the case is not settled at mediation, it will automatically be referred to a judge or legal advisor to provide listing directions on the case.

Standard directions order

The case may be referred to a judge to consider whether to make an order. It may alternately be referred to a legal adviser for claims up to £10,000.

If you do not agree with the legal advisor’s directions, you can ask for the decision to be reconsidered.

If the judge or legal adviser makes a standard directions order (SDO), you will receive a notification outlining the next steps. The order will be available immediately in the ‘Documents’ tab.

If your claim was issued against an unrepresented user, it will proceed offline at the local court once an SDO has been made – unless your claim is being managed in an earlier adopter court.

3. Complete a directions questionnaire

1. Sign in to MyHMCTS using your email address and password.

2. Find and open the case from the case list. The state filter should be ‘Claimant Intent Pending’.

3. Select ‘View and respond to defence’ from the next step drop down list. Then select ‘Go’.

4. Select ‘Yes’ to confirm that the claimant wants to proceed with the claim.

5. If you need to add a document, select ‘Choose file’ to browse for it. Then select ‘Continue’.

6. Tick the box to confirm that you have told the claimant they must try to settle, what the options are and the possible costs if they refuse. Select if you want a one-month stay to settle or not and that you have complied with the pre-action protocol. If you have not complied with the protocol, explain why not. Then select ‘Continue’.

7. Select if the claim is subject to the fixed recoverable cost regime. If you select ‘No’ you can give your reasons. If you select ‘Yes’ you must then select which of the 4 complexity bands applies and whether it has been agreed with the other party. Provide any reasons for your answers and then select ‘Continue’.

8. Select if you have an agreement with the defendant about the disclosure of electronic documents. If you have not, select whether an agreement is likely and explain if the court needs to address any issues. When ready, select ‘Continue’.

9. If relevant, enter what directions are proposed for disclosure. Then select ‘Continue’.

10. Select whether you have filed and served a disclosure report and if you have agreed a disclosure proposal. Add a draft order number if relevant. Then select ‘Continue’.

11. If you want to use an expert in your case, select if you have already sent them reports and if you think they are suitable as a joint expert. Select ‘Add new’ to enter the expert’s details. Then select ‘Continue’.

12. If you want to bring a witness to a hearing, select ‘Add new’ to enter their details. When you have added all the witnesses’ details, select ‘Continue’.

If you do not have the witness’s name or details, enter ‘TBC’ in the first name and last name fields. You can update these details later.

13. Select what language or languages should be spoken in the hearing and documents provided in. Then select ‘Continue’.

14. If your client, experts or witnesses have any dates to avoid, select ‘Yes’ then ‘Add new’ and provide the details. When you have added all dates, select ‘Continue’.

15. Select the preferred court hearing location and add the reasons for the preference. If you want the hearing to be held remotely, explain why. Then select ‘Continue’.

16. Select ‘Yes’ if anyone needs support at court and add their names and needs. Then select ‘Continue’.

17. Select if anyone has any vulnerabilities and provide the names and details. Then select ‘Continue’.

18. Select if you intend to make any applications in the future and, if so, what for. Provide any further information the judge may need. Then select ‘Continue’.

19. Read the statement of truth and add your name and role. Then select ‘Continue’.

20. Check your answers. If you select ‘Change’, it will take you back to the relevant section of the questionnaire. You can make as many changes as you need to. When you are ready select ‘Submit your response’.

4. Ask for a default judgment

If the defendant has not responded, you can ask for a default judgment.

1. Sign in to find and open the case from the case list. The state filter should be ‘Awaiting Defendant Response’.

2. Select ‘Request Default Judgment’ from the next step drop down list. Then select ‘Go’.

3. Select the defendant you are asking for a default judgment against. Then select ‘Continue’.

4. Tick the box to confirm that all the listed statements apply to the defendant. Then select ‘Continue’.

5. Select ‘No’ to say the defendant has not paid some of the amount. Then select ‘Continue’.

You should not select ‘Yes’. If the defendant has paid some of the amount, you should use the forms as directed on the screen.

6. Select if you want to claim for fixed costs. Then select ‘Continue’.

7. You will see a summary of the money owed, including the claim amount, any fixed cost, the claim fee and the total amount owed. Select ‘Continue’.

8. Select if you want the defendant to pay immediately, by a set date or by a repayment plan. Then select ‘Continue’.

9. If you select by a set date, you will need to enter the date. Then select ‘Continue’.

10. If you have selected by a repayment plan, enter what you think the value of the regular payments should be. Then select how often you want the defendant to pay. Add the date the first instalment should be paid. Then select ‘Continue’.

11. Check your answers. If you select ‘Change’, it will take you back to the relevant section of the request. You can make as many changes as you need to. When you are ready select ‘Submit’.

5. Upload evidence

After receiving your standard directions order, the case will be listed for hearing. You will find the notice of hearing in the documents tab. You will be instructed to upload any relevant documentation to MyHMCTS by a particular date.

Do not upload any multimedia or password protected documents as these will not be accessible and will cause the stitching of the trial bundle to fail. If you have a multimedia file you need to share, upload a document that explains what this is and then email the multimedia file to the court where the hearing will be held.

1. Select ‘Upload Your Documents’ from the next step drop down list. Then select ‘Go’.

2. The next screen includes guidance about checking for deadlines and how to upload the evidence. Read all the guidance and then select ‘Continue’.

3. Select the types of documents you will upload by ticking the relevant checkboxes. You can select more than one type of document. You can select the link below each heading for a description of the documents that may be needed. Select ‘Continue’.

4. Select ‘Add new’ and ‘Choose file’ to upload each document and enter any additional information you are asked for. When you have added all documents, select ‘Continue’.

5. Check your answers. If you select ‘Change’, it will take you back so you can add or remove a document if you need to. You will not be able to amend or remove documents after you have submitted them. When you are ready select ‘Submit’.

6. You will see a confirmation that your documents have been uploaded. Select ‘Close and Return to case details’ to find the documents in the ‘Case File’ tab.

You cannot complete actions on a case at the same time as another user. This is to protect the integrity of the data. If more than one user has a case open at the same time, the first to submit an action will override and cancel any actions by others. If your action is overridden, you will see an error message that explains the conflict.

We know there may be occasions whereby you undertake a simultaneous exchange of documents with the defendant’s legal representative. You should agree with them to upload documents one after the other, pausing for a short time between (for example, 10 to 15 minutes between your upload and theirs). This will allow MyHMCTS to complete the upload event before another is started.

6. Pay the hearing fee

You will receive a notice of hearing in MyHMCTS. Find this in both the ‘Claim documents’ tab and the ‘Case File’ tab. This will include the date of the hearing and the deadline for paying the hearing fee. If you do not pay the fee before the deadline, the claim will be automatically struck out.

1. Open the ‘Service Request’ tab and select ‘Pay now’.

If more than one notice has been issued, there may be more than one hearing fee listed. Make sure you pay the fee for the correct hearing notice.

2. Select to pay by PBA, or by credit or debit card. If paying by PBA, select the correct PBA number and provide a unique reference. Then select ‘Confirm payment’.

3. If paying by credit or debit card, select ‘Continue’. You will be taken to a screen where you can enter your card details and confirm payment.

4. Once you have confirmed payment by either PBA or card, you will see a ‘Payment successful’ screen.

7. Get help and support

Managing cases and case access in MyHMCTS

Contact the courts and tribunals service centre (CTSC) if you need support with:

  • a particular case
  • managing a case on MyHMCTS
  • a claim that has moved offline but is not yet at a local court

Telephone: 0300 123 7050
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
Find out about call charges

If you see an error message or have a technical issue when managing a case, such as the claim not being fully issued, email

Find guidance for case administration tasks in MyHMCTS

Accessing your MyHMCTS account

If you are having trouble accessing MyHMCTS, make sure you are using the correct link. To manage a case you must use

You should also make sure:

  • your internet browser is up to date – we recommend you use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (you cannot use Internet Explorer or Apple Safari)
  • you have cleared your cookies and your cache
  • you check your firewall and security settings

We recommend that you bookmark or favourite MyHMCTS in your internet browser. You should only create the bookmark or favourite once you have signed in and are on the homepage. Do not create it from the sign in or verification pages, or while you have a case or organisation open.

If you are still having trouble accessing MyHMCTS, try using a different device to sign in.

If you have an IT support team, they will be able to help with any device, browser and security issues.

If you have an issue with your MyHMCTS account, you should contact an account administrator in your organisation.

If you need additional support with your MyHMCTS account, email We aim to respond within 5 working days.

8. Early adopter courts

The early adopter courts are:

  • Chesterfield County Court
  • Darlington County Court and Family Court
  • Derby Combined Court Centre
  • Durham County Court and Family Court
  • Gateshead County Court and Family Court
  • Manchester Civil Justice Centre (Civil and Family Courts)
  • Mansfield Magistrates’ and County Court
  • Mid and South East Northumberland Law Courts
  • Newcastle Civil and Family Courts and Tribunals Centre
  • North Shields County Court and Family Court
  • Nottingham County Court and Family Court
  • South Tyneside County Court and Family Court
  • Stockport County Court and Family Court
  • Sunderland County, Family Magistrates’ and Tribunal Hearings
  • Teesside Combined Court Centre
  • Wigan County Court and Family Court