
National Academy focused on Mathematical Sciences: clarification questions (updated 29 May 2024)

Updated 4 June 2024

Clarification questions (added 29 May 2024)

Is the value of the grant expressed in nominal terms or real terms?

The £6 million value of the grant is in nominal terms (‘cash’ terms or ‘face value’). It will not increase with inflation.

Is the funding limited to £2 million per year?

No, the funding is not necessarily limited to £2 million per year. The proposed spend each year may be more or less than £2 million, providing the total funding is no more than £6 million over 3 years (36 months from the start of the funding period).

Will a newly established organisation be at a disadvantage?

Applications from newly established organisations will not be at a disadvantage. Any organisation that meets the eligibility criteria is encouraged to apply.

For example, at the first stage, where documentary evidence of economic and financial standing (e.g. financial statements) is not available for a newly established organisation, applicants are asked only to provide an explanation (e.g. newly established organisation).

Can activities that take place before the start of the funding period be funded from the DSIT grant?

No. DSIT funding will not be available to the successful applicant until a Grant Funding Agreement is in place and the funding period commences.

Only activities that occur within the funding period are considered eligible expenditure under the terms of the Grant Funding Agreement.

Are there restraints on political activity?

The ‘ineligible expenditure’ section of the ‘Statement of Main Terms’ sets out that lobbying and related political activity cannot be paid for using this DSIT funding. DSIT funding may be used to provide advice to HMG, and for other activities set out in the incipient NAM outputs and requirements.

These terms do not limit an independent organisation using other sources of funding for these activities or the use in accordance with the terms of the agreement related to Match Funding, however the successful applicant would not be permitted to receive funding from a Third party which undertakes activities which are likely to bring the reputation of the Funded Activities or DSIT into disrepute.

Clarification questions (added 17 May 2024)

What should applicants include in the delivery plan?

Applicants are encouraged to include all information they consider relevant to how they propose to deliver the stated outputs and short-term requirements. This may include, but is not limited to, proposed activities and tasks with associated timelines and milestones, clear indicators that you consider will demonstrate progress towards delivering the outputs, and any dependencies. Applicants may wish to also indicate how proposed activities align to the objectives and full requirements stated, as well as potential KPIs that DSIT has specified.

Applicants should note that a delivery plan agreed between DSIT and the successful applicant will form part of the Grant Funding Agreement and its Annexes. It is expected that information contained in your proposal will form the basis for this delivery plan.

Does DSIT have any examples of delivery plans?

DSIT has not provided a template for a delivery plan. Applicants are encouraged to use a format that includes all information they consider relevant.

Example delivery plans may be found online. Please note that public facing delivery plans may not be fully applicable or representative.