NCSP: audit reports and tools
The results of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) audits, which form part of its quality assurance framework; includes tools.
Changes to the National Chlamydia Screening Programme were announced in June 2021. The content on this page is currently being updated to reflect these changes.
Consistent, high-quality practice across all screening venues is fundamental to the success of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) in preventing and controlling chlamydia infection.
These audits review the practices against the NCSP standards.
The spreadsheet tools measure turnaround times for the screening programme.
More information on NCSP standards.
Updates to this page
Added statement about the changes to the National Chlamydia Screening Programme.
Updated with NCSP 2019 report on audit of turnaround times, partner notification and re-testing standards.
Updated with ‘2017 audit report on turnaround times, partner notification and re-testing’ and the ‘audit tool for turnaround times, partner notification and re-testing’.
Updated with ‘Monitoring tool for partner notification’ and ‘Monitoring tool to measure rate of re-testing following a positive chlamydia diagnosis’.
Updated with ‘Partner notification in chlamydia screening: national audit report’.
Added ‘Re-testing of those who tested positive for chlamydia: national audit report’.
First published.