Statutory guidance

NEA phase 2 memo 26: Clarification for completing a PRaP14

Updated 13 January 2023

This statutory guidance was withdrawn on

This guidance is no longer in use. The COVID-19 New Enterprise Allowance Phase 2 scheme has completed, and the provider contract ended on 23rd October 2023.

Find other DWP provider guidance.

To New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) Providers
From Gordon Ross, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Action For PRIME provider information and action
Timing Immediate

Dear Provider

The New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) Phase 2 COVID-19 Provider Guidance will be updated to provide additional instruction on when to consider submitting a PRaP14 and the timescales required in completion.

  • providers must use due diligence when inputting information onto PRaP

  • from 8 March 2022 any requested changes to dates already input onto PRaP must be made within 2 weeks of the input date

  • if an error is located, the provider must exhaust all other possibilities to rectify this before considering submitting a PRaP14 for example a start date input instead of a Did Not Start, you can input an end date the day after the start date. If the error cannot be rectified, then you can consider completing a PRaP14

  • if a PRaP14 is completed it must be sent to the relevant Performance Manager for checking and then the required action can then be considered

  • if an error is located after 8 March 2022 and it is past the 2 week deadline but failure to take remedial action would result in an adverse effect on the customer or provider, a PRaP14 can be completed for consideration

  • if you have located an error prior to 8 March 2022 and have already sent the PRaP14 to your Performance Manger or the POST team, these can be considered if failing to rectify the error has an adverse effect on the customer or provider

  • when a PRaP14 has been sent to the Performance Manager or POST Team, it is for consideration only, there is no guarantee it will be actioned

Summary and action

NEA Phase 2 COVID-19 Provider Guidance will be updated in due course, until then please follow the instructions within this Live Running Memo.

Please ensure your supply chain is notified of the most recent guidance and ensure all staff adheres to the latest version.

Further information and contact details

If you have any queries about this Live Running Memo, please contact your Performance Manager in the first instance.

Copy list:

Charlie Emuss
Gordon Ross
Darren Rhodes
Bethany Foster
Barry Clarke
Helen Richardson
Roxanna Cram
Ashley Larder
Jill Marsden
Denise Evans
Andrew Lee
Nicola (Nikki)
Stuart Cambridge
Graham Hilton
Adrian McDonnell
Paul Ellis
Daniel Haraldsson