
Non-disclosure agreements

Use a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to keep your invention a secret when talking to others.


Example One-way non-disclosure agreement (ODT)

Example Mutual non-disclosure agreement (ODT)


This guide will help you if, for instance:

  • you are an inventor wanting to discuss your invention with someone else
  • you are thinking about sharing your ideas about a new product or process
  • developing a new product or process with someone else
  • you want to discuss a new concept with a potential collaborator

It contains information about why it may be important to keep information and ideas confidential. It also:

  • provides some points to consider when disclosing confidential information
  • contains notes on the content of an NDA
  • provides an example of a one way NDA
  • provides an example of a mutual NDA

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Published 12 March 2015

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