Non-pathogen scheme: sample instruction sheets and video
This external quality assessment (EQA) scheme is suitable for laboratories located on production sites where the introduction of pathogens may be inadvisable.
Non-pathogen scheme sample instruction video
The non-pathogen scheme is also suitable for laboratories that assess the microbiological quality of foodstuffs or perform shelf-life studies, but don’t routinely examine for pathogens.
The examinations covered are:
- Pseudomonas spp.
- yeasts
- moulds
- coliforms
- enterobacteriaceae
- Escherichia coli
- enterococci
- lactic acid bacteria
- aerobic colony counts at 30ºC
Updates to this page
Updated sample instruction sheet (English and translations).
Updated all translated non-pathogen scheme: sample instruction sheets.
Added non pathogen scheme: sample instruction sheet (English).
Updated Non-Pathogen scheme: sample instruction sheet (French), sample instruction sheet (German), sample instruction sheet (Italian), sample instruction sheet (Portuguese) and sample instruction sheet (Spanish).
Sample instruction video added.
First published.