Non-pathogen scheme: sample instruction sheet
Updated 4 March 2022
Results should be returned online using the web-based reporting system. You will need your log-in details for this process. Please contact us if you experience problems with the online system.
The final date for return of results is indicated on the accompanying request or report form.
Each distribution consists of 2 evacuated glass vials containing mixtures of freeze-dried micro-organisms. The vial contents require reconstitution prior to examination.
Important information to note
You can now analyse and report up to 3 sets of results for any of the tests in the Non-Pathogen Scheme.
Refer also to the Safety Data Sheet and the Non-pathogen scheme: sample instruction sheets and video.
Store the samples at 2ºC to 8ºC on receipt.
Safety recommendation
The samples contain micro-organisms of Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) Hazard Groups 1 and 2. Your laboratory must undertake a risk assessment before handling these samples with particular consideration to the conditions and procedures for opening evacuated vials to prevent the risk of aerosol.
Opening vials
Remove the plastic tear-off seal by positioning the vial with the arrow on the plastic flip-top pointing away from you, flip the top up then carefully but deliberately pull downwards and to the right (or the left if you are left handed) until the seal separates; then still holding onto the plastic top, gently remove altogether and discard into a sharps container.
The samples are reconstituted in 100mL nutrient broth (pre-warmed to 30 ± 2ºC ) as follows:
- aseptically remove the rubber stopper from the vial of the freeze-dried sample
- transfer approximately 1mL of the 100mL nutrient broth to the vial and allow to stand for 2 to 5 minutes
- transfer the vial contents back to the remaining nutrient broth
- rinse the vial a further 3 to 4 times with the 100mL nutrient broth sample
- shake the reconstituted samples before examination
Each reconstituted sample is equivalent to a 100g food sample.
Undertake the examinations listed on the request or report form between 30 to 45 minutes after reconstitution.
Examine in accordance with routine procedures.
Return of results
Return your results online using the web-based reporting system.
Return results to the organisers before the deadline shown on the request or report form.
Results returned after that date will not be assessed.
Food and environmental proficiency testing unit (FEPTU)
UK Health Security Agency
61 Colindale Avenue
Telephone 020 8327 7119