Non-tech. summaries 2015: projects on ethology/animal behaviour
Projects granted during 2015 that have a primary purpose of basic research: ethology/animal behaviour.
This document outlines the projects granted under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 during 2015 with a primary purpose of basic research: ethology/animal behaviour.
The following projects were granted:
causes and consequences of movement and foraging (migration, birds, trade-off, carry-over effect)
genetics of behaviour and stress response in fish (genetics, stress, evolution, fish, behaviour)
causes and consequences of corvid intelligence (cognition, evolution, corvid)
population effects of individual fish life history (fish ecology)
mechanisms underpinning cooperation (cooperation, assortment, neuroendrocrinology, guppies, evolution)
early-life adversity and adult cognition in starlings (starlings, early-life adversity, welfare, behaviour, resilience)
phenotypic programming across the lifespan (ageing, hormones, environmental change, stress, development)
environment, phenotypic development and performance (development, ageing, telomeres, stress, growth)
behaviour of predators in conservation landscapes (badgers, foxes, predators, management, conservation)
kinship and recognition in a social bird (kin selection, cooperation, inbreeding, social evolution)
fish developmental biology and behaviour (aternal, stress, welfare, nutrition, conservation)
behaviour and ecology of wild birds (birds, behaviour, ecology, mating, evolution)
post-parasite dynamics in wild rodent populations (zoonoses, wildlife disease, ecology)
linkages between invasive plants and salmonids (riparian invasives salmonids)
behaviour of fish in the natural environment (fish, telemetry, behaviour, dams, engineering)