Notice of fast track opposition and statement of grounds
Use this form to notify of a fast track opposition and to set out the grounds on which you are basing this opposition.
Your name and address, and the other information you provide, will be available to the public.
You should provide a business or PO Box address if you do not want your home address to be public.
If you are intending on opposing on the basis of a comparable mark, please refer to TPN 2/2020 for guidance and information on the correct form to use.
Do not use this form if your grounds are not limited to Section 5(1) and/or 5(2) based on already registered or protected marks, use form TM7 ‘Notice of opposition and statement of grounds’.
Do not use this form if any of the earlier marks on which the opposition is based had been registered/protected for 5 years or more on the date that the opposed mark was published in the Journal AND you are not including proof of use of the mark(s) with this Notice. Use form TM7 ‘Notice of opposition and statement of grounds’.
All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee.
Updates to this page
A new end page has been added. This contains a checklist and sending instructions. Supporting text added to questions that required further clarification.
Form TM7F fee sheet updated.
Fee sheet added to TM7F and text 'All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee' added.
Section 3 of the form updated.
Form TM7F (Post 14 Jan 2019) box 3 amended.
TM7F (all sections) updated.
Form TM7F replaced.
TM7F form: Data Privacy added.
First published.