Offshore Coordination Support Scheme (closed to applications)
The Offshore Coordination Support Scheme (OCSS) provides grants to offshore energy projects to develop coordinated options for offshore transmission infrastructure.
Update: 5 December 2023
We have published details of the consortium that has been awarded funding.
The Offshore Coordination Support Scheme (OCSS) will provide grant payments to enable the development of coordinated options for offshore transmission infrastructure for late-stage projects within scope of the scheme.
The secondary objective of the scheme is to learn lessons from funding activities to support coordination in late-stage projects that can be applied to later workstreams of the Offshore Transmission Network Review (OTNR). The Scheme will complement those other arrangements to facilitate coordination being made as part of the OTNR. The Scheme is a competitive process under which one or more Applications may receive Grant funding.
The scheme closed to applications on 28 February 2023.
The OCSS was announced in the British Energy Security Strategy in April 2022.
If you want to discuss the scheme with a representative from DESNZ, email
Updates to this page
We have published details of the consortium that has been awarded funding.
Closed to applications.
Added latest clarification question.
Added latest clarification questions including a new section for application form 1.
Latest clarification questions with responses added. Updated guidance document published. Example Final Grant Offer Letter and Parental Guarantee published.
Added latest clarification questions (Q11 and 16).
Added latest clarification questions. OCSS Application Form 1 and OCSS Application Guidance updated. For those who are in the process of completing Application Form 1, we have updated it with new guidance on ‘Section F2: Deliverability’, highlighted on page 16.
Clarification questions with responses added.
First published.