
Organisation details file specification for extended producer responsibility

Updated 18 March 2025

This guidance explains how to submit your organisation details for extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

This is part of registration and a legal obligation for organisations that are affected by EPR for packaging.

Find out more about registration and registration fees, including how to report these organisation details.

What ‘organisation details’ are

Organisation details include:

  • address
  • packaging activities
  • the people who’ll be verifying and submitting your data

You may also need to report your organisation’s:

  • brand activities - if you supply goods to the UK market in primary, secondary, or shipment packaging under their own brand
  • partners - if you’re registered as a partnership in Companies House

You’ll need to record each of these in a separate file and submit them at the same time as your organisation details.

Full details of what you need to report are in this guidance.

What you need to report

In the organisation details file, you need to report the organisation’s:

  • general information – for example name, organisation type and packaging activities
  • addresses
  • people

General information

There are some categories that you only need to enter if the organisation is a:

  • limited liability partnership
  • limited liability company
  • public limited company
  • limited partnership

These are marked in the ‘Description’ column with ‘Limited orgs only’.

Where allowed values are listed follow them exactly, including capitalisation - for example, if importing is a secondary activity for your organisation, you must enter ‘Secondary’, not ‘secondary’.

You can report as a group, but you must provide general information for each organisation and subsidiary in the group.

Table 1: File structure for general information

Order (column letter) Column header Description Allowed values Required for 1 October 2023 and 1 April 2024?
1 (A) organisation_id The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account. This is 6 figures long. Do not include any spaces.

This will be the same for all organisations and subsidiaries when reporting as a group.
Any Yes
2 (B) subsidiary_id An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.

Use the same unique ID for a subsidiary across all packaging and organisation data submissions.
Any Yes
3 (C) organisation_name Organisation name

Where applicable, this must exactly match your Companies House listing - for example if your listing says ‘limited’ do not use ‘Ltd’.

If reporting as a group you will need to provide names for the main organisation and any subsidiaries. For subsidiaries, this will be different from the parent company.
Any Yes
4 (D) trading_name Trading name.

The trading name for your organisation, or for each organisation and subsidiary, when reporting as a group. Only include if different from organisation name.
Any Yes
5 (E) companies_house_
Companies House registration number for your organisation, or for each organisation or subsidiary when reporting as a group.

Give the full 8 digits. If there are leading zeroes, include them and add ' at the start, for example '00123456.

Limited orgs only.
Any No
6 (F) home_nation_code Home nation code : the UK nation where an organisation is registered.

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales.
EN, NI, SC, WS Yes
7 (G) main_activity_sic Main activity SIC (not needed if Organisation type is ‘Outside UK’ or ‘Others’): the SIC code for your main packaging activity by tonnage. Any No
8 (H) organisation_type_code Organisation type code, as listed in Companies House.

Sole trader (SOL), Partnership (PAR), Regulator (REG), Public limited company (PLC), Limited Liability partnership (LLP), Limited Liability company (LTD), Limited partnership (LPA), Co-operative (COP), Community interest Company (CIC), Outside UK (OUT), Others (OTH)
9 (I) organisation_sub_
Organisation sub-type: Licensor (LIC), Pub operating business (POB), Franchisor (FRA), Non-associated organisation (NAO), Holding company (HCY), Subsidiary (SUB), Licensee/Franchisee (LFR), Tenant (TEN), Others (OTH) LIC, POB, FRA, NAO, HCY, SUB, LFR, TEN, OTH No
10 (J) packaging_activity_so Supplied under your brand: does the organisation supply goods to the UK market in primary, secondary or shipment packaging under its own brand?

Choose whether this is a primary or secondary activity for the organisation.
Primary, Secondary, No Yes
11 (K) packaging_activity_pf Packed or filled as unbranded: does the organisation place goods into packaging that’s unbranded when it’s sold?

Choose whether this is a primary or secondary activity for the organisation.
Primary, Secondary, No Yes
12 (L) packaging_activity_im Imported: does the organisation import packaging that contains goods into the UK to sell?

Choose whether this is a primary or secondary activity for the organisation.
Primary, Secondary, No Yes
13 (M) packaging_activity_se Supplied as empty: does the organisation sell empty packaging to businesses that have an annual turnover of less than £2 million and supply less than 50 tonnes of packaging a year?

Choose whether this is a primary or secondary activity for the organisation.
Primary, Secondary, No Yes
14 (N) packaging_activity_hl Hired or loaned: does the organisation hire or loan out reusable packaging to UK organisations?

Choose whether this is a primary or secondary activity for the organisation.
Primary, Secondary, No Yes
15 (O) packaging_activity_om Supplied through an online marketplace that you own: does the organisation own an online marketplace that allows non-UK organisations to sell packaged products in the UK?

Choose whether this is a primary or secondary activity for the organisation.
Primary, Secondary, No Yes
16 (P) packaging_activity_sl Selling: does the organisation sell empty or filled packaging directly to end consumers?

Choose whether this is a primary or secondary activity for the organisation.
Primary, Secondary, No Yes
17 (Q) registration_type_code Registration type code: whether you are registering as a group (GR) or an individual (IN). GR, IN No
18 (R) turnover The organisation’s most recent annual turnover, based on the last audited accounts made available before 7 April in the obligation year.

Give this in millions to 2 decimal places - for example, if your turnover is £24,500,000, enter 24.50
Use digits only, in whole numbers. Do not include ‘£’ No
19 (S) total_tonnage Total weight of all packaging activities in the calculation year combined, in tonnes. For example, for 2023 data this is packaging handled in 2022.

Organisations must assess the packaging they handled in the calculation year to determine if they meet the small or large packaging thresholds.
Use digits only, in whole numbers. No
20 (T) produce_blank_
Does the organisation put packaging on the market which has no brand names, identifying marks or trademarks? Yes, No Yes
21 (U) liable_for_disposal_
Does the organisation place household packaging on the market? Yes, No No
22 (V) meet_reporting_
Reporting requirements: confirm that you are able to oversee the process for this organisation to report its packaging activities.

This includes keeping account information up to date, making sure all data gets submitted and communicating about fees.
Yes, No No


In the same CSV file as the other organisation details, you need to include addresses for the organisation. :

  • registered address on Companies House, if it’s a limited liability partnership (LLP), limited liability company (LTD) or limited partnership (LP)
  • head office or principal place of business, unless it’s a limited liability partnership (LLP), limited liability company (LTD) or limited partnership (LP)
  • audit address – this is a place the regulator can start an audit of submitted information

The first two addresses must be submitted by the deadline.

You must also include a service of notice address if this is different from the registered address. This is where we will send legal notices if the organisation is non-compliant.

Do not include a service of notice address if it is the same as the registered address.

If you’re reporting as a group, you should include the addresses for each organisation and subsidiary within the group.

For all addresses you need to include the:

  • first line of the address
  • postcode

For all addresses apart from the audit address, you also need to include a phone number.

For any of the addresses you can include the:

  • city
  • county
  • country

Each piece of information must go in a separate column in the file - check the table below and look at the template to see how they must be arranged.

Table 2: File structure for addresses

Order (spreadsheet column) Column header Description
23 (W) registered_addr_line1 Registered address line 1
24 (X) registered_addr_line2 Registered address line 2
25 (Y) registered_city registered address city
26 (Z) registered_addr_county Registered address county
27 (AA) registered_addr_postcode Registered address postcode
28 (AB) registered_addr_country Registered address country
29 (AC) registered_addr_phone_number Registered address phone number
30 (AD) audit_addr_line1 Audit address line 1
31 (AE) audit_addr_line2 Audit address line 2
32 (AF) audit_addr_city Audit address city
33 (AG) audit_addr_county Audit address county
34 (AH) audit_addr_postcode Audit address postcode
35 (AI) audit_addr_country Audit address country
36 (AJ) service_of_notice_addr_line1 Service of notice address line 1
37 (AK) service_of_notice_addr_line2 Service of notice address line 2
38 (AL) service_of_notice_addr_city Service of notice address city
39 (AM) service_of_notice_addr_county Service of notice address county
40 (AN) service_of_notice_addr_postcode Service of notice address postcode
41 (AO) service_of_notice_addr_country Service of notice address country
42 (AP) service_of_notice_addr_phone_number Service of notice address phone number
43 (AQ) principal_addr_line1 Principal place of business address line 1
44 (AR) principal_addr_line2 Principal place of business address line 2
45 (AS) principal_addr_city Principal place of business address city
46 (AT) principal_addr_county Principal place of business address county
47 (AU) principal_addr_postcode Principal place of business address postcode
48 (AV) principal_addr_country Principal place of business address country
49 (AW) principal_addr_phone_number Principal place of business address phone number

Sole traders

If your organisation is a sole trader, you also need to enter the sole trader’s:

  • first name
  • last name
  • phone number
  • email address

You must supply this information for 1 October 2023 and 1 April 2024 if you are a sole trader - no enforcement action will be taken about late submission if your data is submitted by 31 May 2024.

Each piece of information must go in a separate column in the file - check the table below and look at the template to see how they must be arranged.

Include these empty columns even if they do not apply to you.

Table 3: File structure for sole traders

Order (spreadsheet column) Column header Description
50 (AX) sole_trader_first_name Sole trader first name
51 (AY) sole_trader_last_name Sole trader last name
52 (AZ) sole_trader_phone_number Sole trader phone number
53 (BA) sole_trader_email Sole trader email

If you are not a sole trader include the columns but leave them blank.


You need to include your organisation’s primary contact. This is the first person we should contact if we have questions about the process.

You must supply this information for 1 October and 1 April each year.

If you’re a group with subsidiaries, you only need to supply the primary contact for the head organisation.

You should also include your approved person - the person in charge of submitting information to the environmental regulator. The approved person will usually be the person who created a ‘Report packaging data’ account for your organisation.

If you’re a compliance scheme, this must be the approved person at the organisation you’re reporting on behalf of – you’ll also need to tell us whether the approved person or delegated person verified the data on behalf the producer

If you have one, you can also include your organisation’s:

  • delegated person - this is another person who can submit information to the environmental regulator
  • secondary contact - the next person we should contact if we have questions about the process

For each person include:

  • first name
  • last name
  • phone number
  • email address

You can also include their job title.

Each piece of information must go in a separate column in the file - check the table below and look at the template to see how they must be arranged.

Table 4: File structure for people

Order (spreadsheet column) Column header Description
54 (BB) approved_person_first_name Approved person first name
55 (BC) approved_person_last_name Approved person last name
56 (BD) approved_person_phone_number Approved person phone number
57 (BE) approved_person_email Approved person email
58 (BF) approved_person_job_title Approved person job title
59 (BG) delegated_person_first_name Delegated person first name
60 (BH) delegated_person_last_name Delegated person last name
61 (BI) delegated_person_phone_number Delegated person phone number
62 (BJ) delegated_person_email Delegated person email
63 (BK) delegated_person_job_title Delegated person job title
64 (BL) primary_contact_person_first_name Primary contact first name
65 (BM) primary_contact_person_last_name Primary contact last name
66 (BN) primary_contact_person_phone_number Primary contact phone number
67 (BO) primary_contact_person_email Primary contact email
68 (BP) primary_contact_person_job_title Primary contact job title
69 (BQ) secondary_contact_person_first_name Secondary contact first name
70 (BR) secondary_contact_person_last_name Secondary contact last name
71 (BS) secondary_contact_person_phone_number Secondary contact phone number
72 (BT) secondary_contact_person_email Secondary contact email
73 (BU) secondary_contact_person_job_title Secondary contact job title

Organisation size

There is an additional column for 2025 registration. You must indicate whether you are a small or large organisation (this is also known as being a ‘small or large producer’). Find out about what counts as a small and large organisation under EPR for packaging.

Order (column letter) Column header Description Allowed values
73 (BV) organisation_size Small or large organisation S, L

Brand information

If you enter a packaging activity as ‘supplied under your brand’ in the organisation details file, you need to submit a separate CSV file with information about the brand.

Use the template or create a CSV file with the same headers.

Table 5: File structure for the brand information CSV file

Name Column header Description Value
Organisation ID organisation_id The brand owner’s organisation ID. This is 6 figures long. Do not include any spaces. Any
Subsidiary ID subsidiary_id An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company. Any
Brand name brand_name The word or phrase used to identify the brand. Any
Brand type code brand_type_code Whether the brand identifier is a brand name (BN), trademark (TM) or other (OT). BN, TM, OT

Partner information

If you enter an organisation type of ‘partnership’ in the organisation details file, you will need to submit a separate CSV file about your organisation’s partners.

Use the template or create a CSV file with the same headers.

Table 6: File structure for the partner information CSV file

Name Column header Description Value
Organisation ID organisation_id The ID of the organisation that the partner belongs to. This is 6 figures long. Do not include any spaces. Any
Subsidiary ID subsidiary_id An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company. Any
First name partner_first_name   Any
Last name partner_last_name   Any
Phone number partner_phone_number   Any
Email partner_email   Any

Compliance schemes

If you’re a compliance scheme, use the same files for all organisations. Do not create separate files for each organisation.