
Ffurflen gais Credyd Pensiwn

Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon I wneud cais am Credyd Pensiwn drwy'r post os na allwch wneud cais dros y ffôn.


Ffurflen gais Credyd Pensiwn

Nodiadau am wneud cais am Gredyd Pensiwn

Arian, cynilion a buddsoddiadau


Efallai ni fydd angen i chi ddefnyddio’r ffurflen hon. Gallwch hefyd wneud cais am Gredyd Pensiwn ar-lein neu dros y ffôn.

Os na allwch wneud cais Credyd Pensiwn dros y ffôn, gallwch lawrlwytho’r ffurflen ar y dudalen hon, ei llenwi ar y sgrin a’i hanfon i’r Gwasanaeth Pensiwn.

Defnyddiwch y nodiadau i’ch helpu i lenwi’r ffurflen gais.

Sicrhewch eich bod yn llenwi, dyddio a llofnodi’r ffurflen yn llawn.

Os yw’ch arian, cynilion a buddsoddiadau yn dod i fwy na £10,000, llenwch y ffurflen PC1HW: arian, cynilion a buddsoddiadau. Dychwelwch y ffurflen hon gyda’ch ffurflen gais Credyd Pensiwn.

Anfonwch eich ffurflen gais wedi’i chwblhau i:

The Pension Service 8
Post Handling Site B
WV99 1AN

Os ydych angen y ffurflen hon mewn fformat gwahanol

Gallwch chi, ffrind neu aelod o’r teulu gysylltu â llinell hawlio Credyd Pensiwn i ofyn am:

  • gopi o’r ffurflen wedi’i hargraffu
  • fformat gwahanol, fel print mawr, braille neu CD sain

Gallwch hefyd gysylltu â sefydliad gwirfoddol (er enghraifft Cyngor ar Bopeth neu Age UK yn eich ardal.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 7 April 2020
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 20 December 2023 + show all updates
  1. Replaced the PC1 Pension Credit claim form. In the previous version, question 115 asked the claimant to go to question 118 if they select the ‘No’ option. It now asks them to go to question 117.

  2. Updated the 'Pension Credit claim form' (PC1) and also the 'Money, savings and investments of more than £10,000' form (PC1H).

  3. Updated details with more information on how to claim Pension Credit using the forms.

  4. Updated Pension Credit claim form PC1 and PC1 notes (English and Welsh). Added new form 'Money, savings and investments' - PC1H (English and Welsh).

  5. Updated the English versions of the interactive form and notes, and the Welsh version of the standard form and notes. The Welsh interactive form will be added at a later date.

  6. English version of notes document has been updated. Interactive version of claim form has been added.

  7. Welsh claim form and notes documents updated.

  8. Updated Pension Credit claim form to a version you can print and fill in with a pen.

  9. First published.

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