Permanent Secretaries' objectives 2014 to 2015
Objectives of Permanent Secretaries, as well as those of the Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service.
The Civil Service Reform Plan set out plans to increase the accountability of civil servants. As part of this, the objectives of Permanent Secretaries who head Whitehall’s main departments, as well as those of the Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, are now published online.
The objectives have been agreed in advance with ministers and the Prime Minister and will be updated periodically, including when ministers or the Permanent Secretaries change.
As at 1 December 2014 over 2 thirds of Permanent Secretaries (12 out of 17) have at least 2 years of commercial experience prior to appointment. Just under 2 thirds (11 out of 17) have the same level of operational experience. For more information on the approach to defining Permanent Secretary commercial and operational experience see Permanent Secretary operational and commercial experience.