
Physical activity guidelines

Guidance from the Chief Medical Officers in the UK on the amount and type of physical activity people should be doing to improve their health.

UK Chief Medical Officers' report

Guidance to help health professionals, policymakers and others working to promote physical activity, sport and exercise for health benefits.


Guidance for government administrations, public health agencies and partners to develop messaging for the CMOs’ physical activity guidelines.


Infographics explaining the physical activity needed for general health benefits at different life stages.

Research and analysis

Updates to this page

Published 7 September 2019
Last updated 24 March 2023 show all updates
  1. Added a Communications section to the collections page, containing the publication 'UK Chief Medical Officers' physical activity guidelines communications framework'.

  2. Added 'Physical activity guidelines: disabled children and disabled young people', 'Physical activity in disabled children and disabled young people: evidence review' and 'Physical activity guidelines for disabled children and disabled young people: methodology'.

  3. First published.