Pollution inventory reporting forms
Forms for operators to report pollution inventory data.
Applies to England
These are pollution inventory reporting forms that operators can use to report their emissions to air, land, controlled waters, off-site transfers in wastewater and waste transfers.
Alternatively, you can report your emissions online using the PIEDC system.
The deadline for reporting your pollution inventory data is 28 February each year.
Updates to this page
Added updated versions of each application form. Added links to the guidance for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Change to Pollution Inventory Reporting form for Radioactive Waste. This includes 9 additional radionuclides to be reported, increased use of some medical radionuclides which follows Government Directive and an update to the privacy notice.
Change to environmental permitting regulations from Radioactive Substances Act. Removal of requirement to report transfers of radioactive waste.
Operators are no longer required to report resource efficiency data as part of their Pollution Inventory return. Introduction and detail amended. (Forms remain unchanged.)
Renamed 2 document titles - now easier to see who they are for: 1) Pollution Inventory Reporting Form 1 (PI-1) to – Pollution Inventory Reporting Form: Part A(1) processes 2) Pollution Inventory Reporting Form 2 (PI-2) to Pollution Inventory Reporting Form; Intensive Agriculture and Landfill operators Deleted: Pollution inventory reporting - general guidance notes as this appears on: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pollution-inventory-reporting-guidance-notes
First published.