Dover Harbour Revision Order 2022
Information about the EIA screening for the proposed outer wave screen at the Port of Dover.
On 20 October 2021 Eversheds Sutherland, made a formal application to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) under section 14 of the Harbours Act 1964 (“the Act”) for the Dover Harbour Revision Order (“the Order”) and for a marine licence under Part 4 the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The Order was applied for on behalf of Dover Harbour Board who is the statutory harbour authority for the Port of Dover. The Order authorises the construction of an outer wave wall in the Outer Harbour to protect a new marina constructed under the Dover Harbour Revision Order 2012.
The MMO determined that the project would not require Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) under Schedule 3 of the Act. The project was also not considered to require an EIA under the Marine Works (EIA) Regulations 2007. No environmental statement has therefore been supplied by the applicant.
Details of the authorised works can be viewed in the statement in support, the environmental information, and the Harbour Revision Order.
A statutory 42 day public consultation period on the HRO ran from 9 December 2021 and until 22 January 2022.
The MMO approved the making of the Order on 27 June 22, details of the decision-making process can be viewed in the Harbour Revision Order and decision report attached to this page. The Order will be laid before parliament on 1 July 2022 and will come into force on 22 July 2022.