Prevent duty toolkit for local authorities
Supplementary information to the Prevent duty guidance for England and Wales.
Applies to England and Wales
The Prevent duty toolkit supports the delivery of the Prevent duty by local authorities in England and Wales by providing practical information and suggestions to prevent people from becoming a terrorist or supporting terrorism. It includes examples of good and best practice in putting the Prevent duty guidance into action.
The toolkit should be read together with the Prevent duty guidance.
The toolkit is not statutory guidance to which specified authorities must have regard under CTSA 2015. It does not supersede or otherwise affect the Prevent duty guidance, but only seeks to illustrate and provide examples as to how the Prevent duty guidance may be acted upon.
The toolkit is split into 8 sections:
- multi-agency partnership group
- local risk assessment process
- partnership plan
- referral pathway
- channel panel
- training programme
- reducing permissive environments
- communications and engagement