
Screening and brief advice for alcohol and tobacco use

Guidance on screening and providing brief advice for alcohol and tobacco use in inpatient settings.



The NHS Standard Contract asks NHS-funded providers to screen and provide brief advice interventions for alcohol and tobacco use to improve the quality of their services and deliver better outcomes for patients.

This guidance supports service providers to implement screening and brief advice for alcohol and tobacco use in inpatient settings. It describes the:

  • reasons why healthcare professionals should implement these interventions
  • evidence-based interventions to use
  • support and resources available

Updates to this page

Published 17 July 2017
Last updated 19 December 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated guidance to include information on the NHS Long Term Plan and NHS Standard Contract.

  2. Updated guidance with details of the new tobacco and alcohol CQUIN scheme.

  3. Updated web links within the HTML.

  4. First published.

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