
Tobacco and smoking: policy, regulation and guidance

These documents support local healthcare systems dealing with the harm of tobacco and provide guidance for manufacturers and importers on UK regulation.

Commissioners, service providers and the NHS can use these resources to help identify need and plan interventions to reduce smoking in their communities. Manufacturers, importers and retailers of tobacco products can find information to support compliance with UK regulation.

Visit the E-cigarettes and vaping policy, regulation and guidance collection for information and other resources on e-cigarettes and vaping.

England’s policy on tobacco and smoking

UK tobacco products regulation

Tobacco and smoking data and statistics

Public Health England (PHE) publishes Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England. These are snapshots of tobacco use, tobacco related harm and local measures to reduce this harm.

Evidence reviews

Guidance for commissioners and stop smoking services

Information and advice for healthcare professionals

Guidance to support a smokefree NHS

Guidance to support smokefree prisons and secure settings

PHE protocol for engaging with the tobacco industry

Updates to this page

Published 16 April 2018
Last updated 29 October 2021 show all updates
  1. Re-tagging from Public Health England to Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

  2. Added 'Smoking and tobacco: applying All Our Health'.

  3. Added Stop smoking options: guidance for conversations with patients.

  4. First published.