Smoke Free Policy Framework
Mandatory actions for prison staff regarding the smoking cessation provision and alternative supportive options to smoking.
This Policy Framework provides the mandatory instructions for prisons to become smoke free in order to improve the air quality within the prisons and reduce the risk from the harmful effects of second hand smoke.
It sets out the duties, rules and guidance on the provision of smoking cessation support, the alternatives to smoking including electronic vaping devices, e-cigarettes and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and the support that will be offered to prisoners.
It provides details of legal position in relation to tobacco, lighters, matches and smoking implements in smoke free prisons and applies to staff, prisoners and visitors to the prison.
This Policy Framework provides guidance on use of incense sticks for religious practices, guidance for pregnant prisoners and prison mother and baby units. It contains guidance of Equalities considerations to be made and the additional support for those individuals with disabilities or at risk of self-harm.
This Policy Framework is linked to the following Prison Service Instructions:
- Adjudications
- Incentives and Earned Privileges
It provides details of what action to be taken for those individuals who continue to smoke or have smoking implements in a smoke free prison as well action to be taken for those trafficking unauthorised smoking implements into a smoke free prison.