Procurement Policy Note 06/15: sustainable skills development through major projects
This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) [and guidance / documents] is now out of date
This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) is now out of date. Please refer to PPN 14/15: Supporting Apprenticeships and Skills through Public Procurement
Government requires public procurers of major construction and infrastructure projects, with a capital value over £50 million, to use public procurement to increase investment in training and apprenticeships.
Procurement decisions should always be made on a quality, cost and risk basis. However decisions can take into account qualitative long-term benefits on the supply side, eg appropriate investment in skills development, as long as they are consistent with the government’s overarching priority of value for money.
This policy aims to support growth by building a more skilled and productive workforce, reducing the risks of supply constraints and increased labour cost inflation.
This note has been replaced by Policy Procurement Note 14/15 on supporting apprenticeships and skills through public procurement.
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This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) is now out of date. Please refer to PPN 14/15: Supporting Apprenticeships and Skills through Public Procurement
Added link to PPN 14/15 which replaces this one
First published.