
Procurement policy notes

This collection brings together all procurement policy notes, providing guidance on best practice for public sector procurement.

Procurement Policy Notes (PPNs) and supporting guidance are used to communicate new policies to be applied to public procurement activities and to support practical implementation.

If you are a public sector organisation or a supplier to the public sector and have an enquiry regarding PPNs please email

Procurement Act 2023 PPNs

PPNs in this section apply to procurements commenced on or after 24 February 2025.

Public Contract Regulations 2015 PPNs

PPNs in this section apply to procurements commenced before 24 February 2025 or to contracts awarded prior to this date (including via frameworks, dynamic purchasing systems or qualification systems established under this legislation).

Out of date procurement policy notes

Updates to this page

Published 8 August 2013
Last updated 10 March 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added a link to the page: PPN 019: Requirements to publish on Contracts Finder

  2. Updated the collection: Procurement Act 2023 PPNs

  3. Updated the organised lists for the linked pages Added a link to the pages: PPN 001 - SME and VCSE procurement spend targets PPN 002 Taking account of social value in the award of contracts

  4. Added links to the pages: PPN 018: How to take account of a supplier's approach to payment in the procurement of major contracts PPN 015: How to take account of a supplier's approach to payment in the procurement of major contracts

  5. Moved a page to the out of date section: Procurement Policy Note 08/21 - Taking account of a bidder's approach to payment in the procurement of major government contracts

  6. Moved PPN 03/23: Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) to the out of date section. Added a link to the pages: PPN 02/24 Improving Transparency of AI use in Procurement PPN 03/24: Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ)

  7. Added a link to the page: PPN 01/24 Carbon Reduction Contract Schedule

  8. Added a link to the page: PPN 11/23: New Thresholds

  9. Added a link to the page: PPN 10/23: Taking account of a bidder’s approach to payment in the procurement of major contracts

  10. Added a link to the page: PPN 09/23: Updates to the Cyber Essentials Scheme

  11. Added a link to the page: PPN 08/23: Using Standard Contacts

  12. Moved the following Procurement Policy Note pages to the'out of date section': 1. Procurement Policy Note 14/15: supporting apprenticeships and skills through public procurement 2. Procurement Policy Note 07/14: implementing Energy Efficiency Directive article 6 3. Procurement Policy Note 05/14: staff transfers and pensions 4. Procurement policy note 02/14: extending Mystery Shopper 5. Procurement policy note 01/14: sharing information within government 6. Procurement policy note 02/13: supplier financial risk issues

  13. Moved PPN 09/13 to the out of date PPN collection as it has now been replaced with PPN 07/23.

  14. Added a link to the page: PPN 07/23: Security Classifications Policy

  15. #Added a link to the page: PPN 06/23 The Commercial Playbooks

  16. Added a link under the 2023 section: PPN 05/23: Implementing new Free Trade Agreements

  17. Moved Procurement Policy Note 09/16: Procuring for Growth Balanced Scorecard to the out of date section.

  18. Added a link to the page: PPN 04/23: Procuring Steel in Government Contracts Also moved the page: Procurement policy note 11/16: procuring steel in major projects - revised guidance to the out of date section

  19. Added PPN 03/23 - Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) which replaces PPN 08/16. PPN 08/16 moved to under subheading 'Out of date procurement policy notes'

  20. Moved PPN 05/19 to the out of date section and added PPN 02/23 to the live section under 2023.

  21. Moved the following pages to the out of date category: 04/11 05/11, N/A, 04/11, 05/11, 06/11, 08/11, 10/11, 11/11, 02/12, 03/12, 04/12, 05/12, & 06/12, 08/12, 03/13, N/A, 05/13, 07/13, 08/13, 10/13, 04/14, 06/14, 06/15, 07/15, 10/15, 15/15, 17/15, 18/15, 04/16, 10/16, 04/17, 03/18, 01/19, 02/19, 06/19, 01/20, 02/20, 03/20, 04/20, 07/20

  22. Added section for 2023 and a link to the guidance: PPN 01/23: Requirements to publish on Contracts Finder

  23. Added a link in the 2022 group for the page: PPN 03/22 – Updated guidance on data protection legislation

  24. Moved link to Procurement Policy Note 02/18: Changes to Data Protection Legislation & General Data Protection Regulation page to the Out of date procurement policy notes section.

  25. Added under 2022: Procurement Policy Note 02/22 – The Consultancy Playbook v1.1

  26. Added Procurement Policy Note 01/22: contracts with suppliers from Russia and Belarus.

  27. Added PPN.

  28. Addition of 'Procurement Policy Note 06/21: Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts'.

  29. Addition of 'Procurement Policy Note 05/21: National Procurement Policy Statement'.

  30. Addition of 'Procurement Policy Note 04/21: Applying Exclusions in Public Procurement, Managing Conflicts of Interest and Whistleblowing'.

  31. Addition of 'Procurement Policy Note 03/21: The Sourcing and Consultancy Playbooks'.

  32. Updated to include 'Procurement Policy Note 02/21: The WTO GPA and the UK-EU TCA'.

  33. Addition of Procurement Policy Note 01/21: Procurement in an Emergency.

  34. Addition of link to Procurement Policy Note 09/20: The Construction Playbook.

  35. Addition of Procurement Policy Note 08/20 - Introduction of Find a Tender.

  36. Addition of PPN 06/20.

  37. Adding: Procurement Policy Note 04/20: Recovery and Transition from COVID-19.

  38. Addition of Procurement Policy Note 03/20: Use of procurement cards - coronavirus.

  39. Addition of Procurement Policy Note 01/20: Responding to COVID-19.

  40. Addition of Procurement Policy Note 06/19: New Thresholds 2020.

  41. Added new PPN to collection

  42. Procurement Policy Note 03/19: The Public Procurement (Electronic Invoices etc.) Regulations page added

  43. New note added to collection for 2019

  44. A section for documents for 2019 was added

  45. Updated to include Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 0418

  46. Added PPN 03/18

  47. New PPN added replacing 03/17

  48. New PPN added to 2018 collection

  49. new PPN added - threshold levels 2018

  50. New PPN 03/17 added to 2017 list

  51. 02/17 update on previous transparency PPN added

  52. moved PPN 13/15 to out of date collection

  53. new collection group '2017' added

  54. New PPN 01/17 added and new group '2017' created

  55. Added 'PPN 13/15' to out of date procurement policy notes

  56. Added procurement policy note 11/16: procuring steel in major projects - revised guidance and moved 16/15 to out of date content as it has been replaced by this new note.

  57. Added procurement policy note 10/16: onerous practices in procurement and contracting.

  58. Added Procurement Policy Note 09/16: Procuring for Growth Balanced Scorecard

  59. Added 07/16 procurement policy note.

  60. Added PPN note 05/16.

  61. Added note 03/16

  62. Added PPN 02/16

  63. Edited collection documents to include PPN18/15

  64. Added note on complying with international obligations.

  65. Added PPN 18/15

  66. Added procurement policy note 17/15 on standard EU forms and notices

  67. Updated with procurement policy note 16/15 procuring steel in a major project

  68. Added Procurement Policy Note 15/15: statistics on utilities procurement contracts awarded in 2013 and 2014

  69. Added PPN 14/15 on supporting apprenticeships and skills through public procurement

  70. Added policy procurement note 13/15 on transparency of contract information

  71. Added latest procurement policy note 12/15: availability of procurement procedures (decision tree)

  72. PPN 11/15 added

  73. Added PPN 10/15: annual statistical returns on public procurement contracts awarded in 2013 and 2014.

  74. Added new PPN: assisting with procurement investigations

  75. PPNs 05/15, 06/15, 07/15, 08/15 added.

  76. Added latest procurement policy note 04/15: taking account of suppliers’ past performance

  77. Added Policy Procurement Note 03/15 on reforms to make public procurement more accessible to SMEs.

  78. Added Procurement Policy Note 02/15 on the Public Contracts Regulations 2015

  79. Added Procurement Policy Note 01/15 on further information for implementing Energy Efficiency Directive article 6.

  80. Added procurement policy note 11/14 on references.

  81. Added Policy Procurement Note 10/14: plan for public procurement of food and catering services.

  82. Added 09/14: use of Cyber Essentials scheme certification

  83. Procurement policy note 08/14 on pre-qualification questionnaires added: this replaces note 01/12.

  84. Added Procurement Policy Note 07/14 – Implementing Article 6 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.

  85. Updated with Procurement Policy Note 06/14 on short form terms and conditions.

  86. Added Procurement Policy Note 04/14: model services contract

  87. Added procurement policy notes 02/14 and 03/14.

  88. Added PPN 01/14 on sharing information in government procurement.

  89. New procurement policy note on threshold levels for 2014.

  90. First published.