Procurement policy note 4/11: modernising the public procurement rules and implementing the defence and security directive
This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) [and guidance / documents] is now out of date
This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) is now out of date
Consultation 1: Modernising the public procurement rules
Issue: This note brings to stakeholders’ attention that the European Commission has recently published a detailed consultation paper on the modernising of the public procurement rules, which marks the next formal stage in the Commission’s programme to review and adapt these rules.
Consultation 2: MOD consultation on the Defence and Security Directive update Issue: The MOD is in the process of transposing the Defence and Security Directive and is on track to meet the deadline to incorporate the regulations in UK law by 21 August 2011. Most of the policy outcomes have now been decided as a result of the first consultation. The second consultation offers the opportunity to respond to questions regarding the implementation of the new directive.