Procurement policy note 11/16: procuring steel in major projects - revised guidance
This procurement policy note provides updated guidance on how to create a level playing field for UK steel producers through public procurement. It also provides an indicative pipeline of upcoming and existing government steel requirements in England.
This is a practical guide on how contracting authorities in both central government and the wider public sector can design their major projects (involving steel) to ensure best value for money by recognising relevant wider social and environmental benefits. It replaces procurement policy note 16/15 and all other existing steel procurement guidance.
This guidance applies to all central government departments, their executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies, who are required to comply with this guidance for any major procurement project where steel is a critical component.
This guidance can also be used by the wider public sector, including local authorities and health bodies, as well as other types of contracting authorities where appropriate, and where it does not conflict with other obligations and guidance.
There is no set value as to what constitutes a major procurement project, as this will differ between contracting authorities. It is therefore for contracting authorities to determine which of their procurements are major projects.
The pipeline contains information on government’s indicative upcoming steel requirements in England. This visibility of opportunities will make it easier for UK steel producers to plan and bid for government contracts.
See the latest update to the steel procurement pipeline