Providing professional and business services to a person connected with Russia
Guidance on the services sanctions contained in The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.
Regulation 54C of the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 prohibits a legal or natural person from providing, directly or indirectly, accounting, advertising, architectural, auditing, business and management consulting, engineering, IT consultancy and design, and public relations services to a ‘person connected with Russia’.
These services (‘covered services’) are defined in schedule 3J of The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, while a ‘person connected with Russia’ is defined in regulation 21.
The prohibitions in regulation 54C are subject to exceptions and licences.
Regulation 54D includes a specific legal advisory services measure.
Updates to this page
How to apply for a licence has been updated to explain which licence type you may need if you are providing professional and business services. This is following the granting of licensing and enforcement powers to the Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI). Details added on how to report a suspected breach of trade sanctions.
Changes made to align with amendments to regulation 54D.
'Complying with professional and business services sanctions related to Russia' attachment revised: Section on 'aims' added to content. Compliance section revised to cover 'compliance and scope'.
New information added on the legal advisory services sanction, licensing grounds, and additional details relating to changes and clarifications that apply to auditing and accounting measures.
Page updated to include guidance on services sanctions in addition to the original guidance on applying for an export licence.
First published.