Proposals for regulating consumer smart product cyber security - call for views
A call for views on proposals for regulating the cyber security of consumer 'smart' products ran from 16 July to 6 September 2020.
This call for views has now closed. The government published a response to this call for views on 21 April 2021.
The government wants to change the law to make ‘smart’ products - like televisions, cameras and household appliances which connect to the internet - more secure for people to use.
You can read the press notice here.
This document describes the government’s proposed approach and asks for your views. It details the scope of the proposed legislation and the proposed new cyber security requirements for consumer smart products. It also describes what obligations could be placed upon the manufacturers and retailers of these products, and proposals for the enforcement of the requirements.
The Government is publishing a number of supporting documents alongside the Call for Views, which can be accessed in the list above.
These proposals are being shared to gather further feedback and evidence to inform their development. The government welcomes input from all interested parties, including individual organisations impacted by the proposed regulation, trade associations, consumer groups and cyber security subject-matter experts.
This call for views is now closed. It ran from 16 July 2020 to 6 September 2020. The government response has now been published.