Regional Growth Fund Round 6: guidance for applicants and bidders
Guidance about the Regional Growth Fund (RGF) and about the launch of Round 6.
Regional Growth Fund leaflet
Gives information about Regional Growth Fund (RGF) and the launch of Round 6 for bidders.
It explains what RGF supports, eligibility criteria and gives details on State Aid and Assisted Areas. It also explains what has happened to money from previous rounds.
It features the bidding journey for RGF applicants and gives guidance on how bidders can find more help including attending regional roadshows and expression of interest appointments.
Regional Growth Fund Application form guidance
The document provides information on the RGF application process guidance on how to complete the application form for projects and programmes and an explanation of the critiera used to assess all bids. The purpose of this guidance note is:
- to provide businesses with clearer and more detailed information on how applications for government funding received by businesses are appraised from a value for money perspective
- to provide the applicants with an understanding of what a good application looks like
- to provide businesses with a checklist of information and evidence which should be submitted in supt of the application form and reasons why is needed for the appraisal process.