Register your interest for Diversification R&D opportunities
You can use this form to register your interest and provide your details to be kept up to date with upcoming diversification research and development (R&D) opportunities.
The 5G Supply Chain Diversification Strategy sets out a clear and ambitious plan to address the market failure in the telecoms access supply market. The government recognises the need to move at pace and to ensure the process of diversification gathers momentum as quickly as possible and has committed an initial investment of £250m to kick off work on its key priorities.
This includes investment in R&D to accelerate the technical development of high performance open-interface technologies such as Open RAN, and boost the availability of viable, open new entrants into the UK market. While we are currently in the process of designing our targeted interventions in R&D, guided by our expert Telecoms Diversification Taskforce and discussions with industry, we would like to provide a platform for stakeholders to register their interest in learning more about upcoming opportunities for diversification activities.
If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please join our mailing list here and provide us with your details and we will update you as new information is released.