
Sovereign Housing Association Limited

The Regulator of Social Housing's view of how well Sovereign Housing Association Limited is meeting regulatory standards.

Applies to England



Regulatory judgements and regulatory notices are the regulator’s official view of a provider. Each provider’s page contains their current and previous judgements. In some cases, as well as publishing a provider’s grades, we will also issue a narrative regulatory judgement report. We will usually do this where, for any reason, our assessment of that provider has changed, or there are new issues we want to make public.

See an explanation of the terms and the current and previous regulatory judgements table. An A-Z of providers is also available.

See an explanation of the regulatory standards and the different grades.

Archived regulatory judgements and PDF versions of regulatory judgements are available on request. Please contact the Regulator of Social Housing by emailing or telephone 0300 124 5225 with your request.

You can also create a PDF of a judgement using the ‘print this page’ button which will appear on the left side as you scroll down the judgement.

Updates to this page

Published 27 January 2016
Last updated 27 June 2024 show all updates
  1. Regulatory Notice for Network Homes Limited (24 November 2021) removed. The issues giving rise to the Regulatory Notice have been resolved.

  2. Sovereign Network Homes, formerly Network Homes Limited, became a subsidiary of Sovereign Housing Association Limited on 1 October 2023. Interim regulatory judgement added.

  3. Latest regulatory judgement added

  4. Regulatory Notice removed. The issues giving rise to the Regulatory Notice have been resolved

  5. Latest regulatory judgement added

  6. Latest regulatory judgement added

  7. Regulatory notice added

  8. Latest regulatory judgement added.

  9. Latest regulatory judgement added.

  10. Latest regulatory judgement added.

  11. Latest regulatory judgement added

  12. Latest regulatory judgement published.

  13. Interim regulatory judgement published (25 January 2017).

  14. First published.

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