Relationship with a partner: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance on assessing a person’s relationship with their partner.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance on how staff assess a person’s relationship with their partner under Appendix Relationship with Partner to the Immigration Rules.
It explains what the relationship requirements for partners are and how to decide whether applicant has met them.
The guidance also sets out the type of evidence that is relevant to show a person meets the relationship requirements, the applicable burden and standard of proof and explains where there is discretion.
Updates to this page
Guidance updated to add reference to Appendix Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP).
Updated the 'evidence of divorce / dissolution' section.
Updated guidance to reflect the inclusion of the following routes: Appendix HM Armed Forces, Appendix Hong Kong British National (Overseas), Appendix International Armed Forces and International Civilian Employees, and Appendix Settlement Protection.
More visa routes have been added to the guidance.
Guidance updated to reflect the inclusion of additional routes.
Updated guidance to include Innovator Founder route.
First published.