Apply to protect your details on the Companies House register
For company directors, LLP members or people with significant control (PSCs) who are at serious risk and want to protect their personal information from the public.
What protection means
Most information registered at Companies House is available to the public.
Other personal details, such as your home address and full date of birth, are not published on the Companies House register.
This information is only shared with:
- credit reference agencies (CRAs)
- specified public authorities (SPAs) such as the police
If the company chooses to keep its directors’ register at Companies House, the home address and full date of birth will be available to the public.
You can apply to protect your personal details if you (or someone living with you) are at serious risk of violence or intimidation because of your company or LLP’s activities.
For example, you could be a director, LLP member or PSC that’s:
- been targeted by activists
- licensed under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986
- active in the defence industry
- an easily traceable supplier to (or partner of) one of these organisations
This is not a complete list. Each case will depend on your individual circumstances.
If possible, you should provide evidence to support your application.
You cannot protect your home address if it’s the registered office address of the company or LLP.
What protection is available
There are 2 types of protection. You can:
- protect your home address from CRAs - directors, LLP members and PSCs
- protect all your information - PSCs only
If you’re a PSC, you can also make a combined application for both.
SPAs like the police will still be able to request the information from Companies House.
Protecting your home address
You can apply to protect your home address under:
- section 243 of the Companies Act 2006 for directors and LLP members
- section 790ZF of the Companies Act 2006 for PSCs
This means we will not provide your home address to CRAs.
It costs £100 to apply to protect your home address.
Protecting all your information as a PSC
A PSC can apply to have all information protected under section 790ZG of the Companies Act 2006.
This means:
- none of your information as a PSC will be shown on the public register
- we will not provide your home address to CRAs
You can only apply if you (or anyone living with you) will be at serious risk of violence or intimidation if you’re linked with the company or LLP.
This would be because of:
- the activities of the company or LLP
- your personal circumstances when associated with the company or LLP
Example You might be a member of a particular religious community and you’re a PSC of a company whose activities conflict with the principles of that religion.
It costs £100 to apply to protect all your information as a PSC.
If you are given protection, the company or LLP must still send your information as a PSC to Companies House.
The Companies House register will only show a PSC who is subject to protection. Your details will not be available to the public.
Combined application for both types of protection as a PSC
If you’re a PSC, you can make a combined application so your home address will be protected from CRAs from the time we register your application.
It costs £100 to make a combined application.
If your home address is already protected
You can send us an abbreviated application if you already have protection in place for your home address. This means you will not have to provide evidence for a second time.
It costs £15 for an abbreviated application.
Your existing protection can only apply to the same type of corporate body.
As a director or PSC of a company
If you already have protection in place for your home address, you can send us an abbreviated application if:
- you’re a director and become a PSC of the same company
- you’re a PSC and become a director of the same company
- you become a director or PSC of another company
You must send us a full application even if you already have protection as a member or PSC of an LLP.
As a member or PSC of an LLP
If you already have protection in place for your home address, you can send us an abbreviated application if:
- you’re an LLP member and become a PSC of the same LLP
- you’re a PSC and become a member of the same LLP
- you become a member or PSC of another LLP
You must send us a full application even if you already have protection as a director or PSC of a company.
Who can apply
An application can be made by:
- the individual director, LLP member or PSC - including those who have not been appointed yet
- the company or LLP on behalf of its directors, LLP members and PSCs - including those who have not been appointed yet
- a subscriber to a memorandum - if the company or LLP has not been incorporated yet
It is an offence to make a false statement.
When to apply
If possible, you should apply for protection before registering your information at Companies House. This means we can withhold your personal information from CRAs while we review your application.
You can apply at any time, including:
- before you incorporate a company or LLP
- when you incorporate a company or LLP
- before becoming a director, LLP member or PSC
- when you register as a director, LLP member or PSC
- after your details have already been shared with CRAs as a registered director or LLP member
Applying in advance
You can apply for protection before you’ve been appointed or registered with Companies House.
You do not have to tell the company or LLP, and you can apply without them knowing. If you’re applying to protect all your information as a PSC, you should tell the company or LLP in plenty of time so they can manage your personal information appropriately.
Companies and LLPs must not disclose any home address details - even if they are not protected at Companies House.
How to apply
You can apply online to protect details for a director or PSC of a company.
It costs £100 to protect your details. You can pay by debit or credit card.
You cannot pay using a Companies House account.
It takes about 20 minutes to apply to protect your details.
Applying by post
You must apply by post if:
- you want to protect information in documents
- your company is not registered with Companies House
- you’re a PSC and you want to protect both your identity and your home address
- you’re applying for a limited liability partnership (LLP)
Request a paper application form.
Our secure registers team will advise you about the process and send you the correct forms. We will only accept the forms on the coloured paper provided.
Send your paper application with any supporting evidence and the correct fee to:
The Registrar of Companies
PO Box 4082
CF14 3WE
We’ll reject your application if you do not include the correct fee.
Supporting evidence
To support your application, you should provide evidence such as:
- a police incident number if you’ve been attacked
- documentary evidence of a threat or attack, such as photos or recordings
- examples of possible disruption or targeting, such as by animal rights or other activists
- examples that you work for an organisation whose activities put you at risk, such as the Secret Intelligence Service
If your details change during the application process
You should contact our team immediately if any of the information on your application changes.
This includes:
- a change to your address or other personal details
- if you no longer require protection
You’ll also need to update any records on the Companies House register such as a:
- change to a director’s details (CH01)
- change to an LLP member’s details (LL CH01)
- change to a PSC’s details (PSC04 or LL PSC04)
How we process your application
We’ll send you a letter to tell you we’ve received your application. You’ll also get an identification number for each PSC applying for protection. We’ll check the details you’ve provided and review your reasons for protection.
It takes at least 30 days to process an application, but complex applications can take up to a year. Your information will be protected while we process the application.
We may ask you for more evidence to support your application if we do not have enough information. To help us reach a decision, we’ll also ask for an assessment from a relevant authority about the nature and level of risk.
Once we’ve processed your application, we’ll send you notice with our decision within 7 days. We’ll also send this notice to the company, LLP or subscriber if they applied for you.
If your application is accepted
Your information will be protected from the time we register your application. The protection will remain in place until you tell us you no longer need protection.
If you’re already registered as a PSC and you’ve applied to protect all your information, we’ll remove your information from the Companies House register as soon as reasonably practicable.
Companies House can withdraw the protection if the applicant (or anyone else the application relates to) is found guilty of a false statement offence under section 1112 of the Companies Act 2006.
If your application is refused
We’ll send you notice with our decision within 7 days. We’ll also send this notice to the company, LLP or subscriber if they applied for you.
Your home address will be available to CRAs after the period allowed to appeal has passed.
If you applied to protect all your PSC information, it will be made available on the public register from 42 days after the notice date.
We cannot refund your application fee.
How to appeal
You can appeal to the High Court on the grounds that the decision is unlawful, irrational or unreasonable, has been made on the basis of a procedural impropriety or otherwise contravenes the rules of natural justice.
In Scotland, you must appeal to the Court of Session.
You must appeal within 28 days of the Companies House notice date.
If you appeal after 28 days, the court will need to be satisfied there was good reason why you did not appeal within this period.
You must send a written notice of your appeal to Companies House within 7 days of making your appeal.
The court will either:
- dismiss your appeal
- quash (cancel) the decision from Companies House
If the court quashes the decision, your application will be returned to Companies House for us to reconsider.
How to file information for your company or LLP
If your home address is protected from CRAs
You can continue to file information for your company or LLP in the usual way. You can file online or send us a paper form.
If all information is protected as a PSC
You must contact us to request a paper form for any documents that include PSC information. We’ll only accept the forms on the coloured paper provided.
Contact us
If you have a general query about protection, you can contact the secure registers team:
02921 507370
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm