
Cyfyngiadau ac eiddo prydlesol (CY19a)

Cyfarwyddyd i gyfyngiadau ar deitlau prydlesol cofrestredig a’r hyn y dylid ei wneud pan fo cydymffurfio â chyfyngiad yn achosi anawsterau.

Yn berthnasol i England and Gymru



Dim ond gwybodaeth ffeithiol a chyngor diduedd ynghylch ein gweithdrefnau rydym yn eu darparu. Darllenwch ragor am y cyngor rydym yn ei roi.


Gallwch ymuno â’n gweminarau di-dâl i gael cyngor ar ystod o bynciau cofrestru tir a sut i baratoi ceisiadau o safon.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 16 October 2014
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 26 July 2021 + show all updates
  1. Section 4 has been amended as a result of the introduction of form RXC.

  2. Section 2.3.1 has been amended to make it clearer that restrictions in Form M or Form O can only be applied for with the consent of the registered proprietor of the tenant’s title.

  3. Section 5 has been amended to explain the additional consents required on an application to cancel a landlord/management company restriction where a right to manage company has been appointed. This is to reflect the provisions of the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002.

  4. Section 4 has been updated to confirm that where a restriction in the register requires a consent, the consent given must be to the registration of the disposition, not simply to the disposition.

  5. Link to the advice we offer added.

  6. First published.

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