Safeguarding (JSP 834)
Safeguarding defines Ministry of Defence (MOD) policy for the safeguarding of its people.
This version of JSP 834 provides direction and guidance on the safeguarding principles and procedures that apply to all people in Defence, both in the UK and overseas, and highlights that safeguarding remains a key responsibility of the Chain of Command. The policy has been updated and volumised to improve accessibility and replaces Version 5.2 of JSP 834 Parts 1 and 2.
JSP 834 Volume 1 – Safeguarding children – is designed to be used by everyone in Defence, including staff who have roles and responsibilities for safeguarding those who are under 18 years old. It provides the direction that is to be followed in accordance with mandated policy and statutory responsibilities and contains annexed templates and forms.
JSP 834 Volume 2 – Safeguarding adults with care and support needs - lays out the statutory framework for safeguarding adults. Its purpose is to provide direction on our responsibilities in accordance with UK legislation and to provide overseas commands guidance where UK laws do not apply.
Updates to this page
Added JSP 834, part 2: safeguarding adults with care and support needs.
Updated 'JSP 834, part 1: safeguarding children', added 'JSP 834, part 1: safeguarding children (annex A)' and 'JSP 834, part 1: safeguarding children (annex B)'.
Updated: JSP 834, part 1 and 2: safeguarding.
Updated both part 1 and part 2, as of February 2021.
First published.