Security requirements for moving dangerous goods by road and rail
Security and training guidance for businesses, such as freight carriers and consignors, involved in the carriage of dangerous goods.
Guidance explaining the regulations on how to make sure that dangerous goods are moved and stored securely.
The documents on this page are:
- guidance explaining how the ADR and RID regulations on dangerous goods security apply in the UK
- security plan template – standardised template for a road or rail transport security plan
- security risk assessment template – standardised template to assess security risks inherent during road or rail transport operations
- driver security advice sheet – driver security responsibilities while carrying out dangerous goods transport duties
- security awareness training guidance
Updates to this page
Security guidance updated.
Revised security plan template with updates to contact details and revisions to sections 4, 6 & 7.
Updated links to latest ADR and RID regulations.
'Security guidance on the carriage of dangerous goods by road and rail' published.
Revised training film on transport of dangerous goods released.
First published.