Student loan repayment model
Spreadsheet that calculates student loan repayments.
Researchers can use this spreadsheet model to estimate the repayment of student loans by graduates under different economic circumstances and with different policy parameters.
The guides explain:
- the resource account and budgeting (RAB) charge
- how the calculator model works
- how we work out our estimate for the long-term cost of student loans issued from 2012
Information for students about repaying their student loans is also available.
Updates to this page
Updated resource accounting and budgeting (RAB) charge explanation document.
Updated resource accounting and budgeting (RAB) charge explanation document.
Updated version of spreadsheet model and guide, and added an explanation of the resource accounting and budgeting charge (RAB).
Revised spreadsheet published June 2014
Updated with the Office for Budget Responsibility economic forecasts published in December 2013.
First published.