
How to reinstate a road after doing street works

The standards for reinstating streets after completing street works.


Specification for the reinstatement of openings in highways (fourth edition)

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Specification for reinstating pavements following the installation of cable channels

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The ‘Specification of the reinstatement of openings in highways’ (SROH) outlines the standards for reinstating streets after completing street works.

Anyone who carries out street works must reinstate the street once the work is finished, in line with these standards.

The fourth edition of SROH was released in 2020, and became statutory guidance on 10 May 2021.

The December 2024 addendum sets out the specification for reinstating pavements following the installation of cable channels that cut through or across public footways .

Updates to this page

Published 3 April 2010
Last updated 24 December 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added guidance that sets out the specification for reinstating pavements following the installation of cable channels that cut through or across public footways .

  2. Addition of the fourth edition of the 'Specification of the reinstatement of openings in highways', which officially replaces the third edition on 10 May 2021.

  3. First published.

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