SR2015 No.20: 75kte non-hazardous and hazardous household waste amenity site
SR2015 number 20: Standard rules for non-hazardous & hazardous household waste amenity site.
Applies to England
These standard rules will allow the operator to operate a Civic Amenity Site at a specified location, provided that no part of the site is located within 200 metres of a European Site, Ramsar site or a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), or within 50m of any well spring or borehole used for the supply of water for human consumption. This must include private water supplies.
Updates to this page
Added two new EWC waste codes to Standard Rule SR2015 No.20 (16 01 03 and 17 09 04).
We have updated the interpretation section 4.4 of the standard rule with a revised definition for the term ‘European Site’
We updated the risk assessment. This corrects an issue with the earlier risk assessment that contained the wrong information.
First published.