Statutory guidance

SR2021 No 12: Vehicle storage, depollution and dismantling (authorised treatment) facility – guidance for schedule 2 site plans and maps

Updated 20 January 2025

Applies to England

This guidance sets out what to include in your site plans and maps.

Plan 1 – activities at the site

Plan 1 is the site specific plan (or plans) of activities at the site. These must include a site-specific plan or plans drawn to a scale that is large enough to clearly identify activities, buildings, working areas, plant and equipment that are critical to the safe operation of the site.

The Environment Agency will expect, as a minimum, the following to be shown on Plan 1:

  • the layout of buildings, bays, skips and yard areas
  • the storage areas for undepolluted end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and number of ELVs stored in each area
  • the depollution area
  • the dismantling area (if different from the depollution area)
  • the storage area for depolluted ELVs and ELV shells and number of ELVs stored in this area
  • the storage area for parts and parts testing
  • the battery storage area (showing where each type of battery chemistry is stored)
  • the tyre storage area
  • any areas where hazardous and flammable materials are stored on site (location of gas cylinders, oil and fuel tanks, any other combustible liquid storage areas, welding and cutting gas storage)
  • any areas where you are carrying out cutting, grinding, welding and so on
  • all possible ignition sources on your site, for example heaters, cutting and welding areas, shrink wrap areas for parts (if heat guns are used)
  • the location of fixed plant or where mobile plant is stored when not in use
  • location of fire extinguishers, other firefighting measures, fire hydrants and other water supplies
  • main access routes for fire engines and any alternative access and any access points around the site perimeter to assist fire fighting

Plan 2 – drainage and pollution control

Plan 2 is the site specific plan (or plans) of drainage and pollution control at the site. It must include a site-specific plan or plans drawn to a scale that is large enough to clearly identify all aspects of drainage and pollution control at the site.

The Environment Agency will expect, as a minimum, the following to be shown on Plan 2:

  • the drainage runs, manholes and soakaways on the site and where they drain to
  • any sealed sumps and interceptors (including the capacity)
  • areas of impermeable surface and areas of hardstanding
  • pollution control features such as penstocks and drain closure valves on interceptors and drainage systems
  • areas where firewater can be contained for example bunded or kerbed areas
  • dry ditches and watercourses that may be impacted by firewater run-off
  • location of any discharges to foul sewer
  • location of any soakaways on site and the areas they drain – for example, roof water soakaways
  • the surface water drains on your site and any adjacent to the site
  • the location any pollution control kit (for example deployable booms, sand bags, mats or covers to seal drains and any other kit you will use to contain firewater)

Plan 3 – sensitive receptors near the site

Plan 3 is the site specific plan of sensitive receptors within a 1km radius of the site. It must include a site-specific plan or plans drawn to a scale that is large enough to clearly identify all sensitive receptors located within a 1km radius of the site that could be affected by a fire.

The Environment Agency will expect, as a minimum, the following to be shown on Plan 3:

You can also use the MAGiC map application to find protected sites.