Support for a child conceived without your consent
Form to claim extra benefit or tax credits for a child conceived without your consent, if they are your third or subsequent child.
You will not be paid an extra amount of Child Tax Credit, Income Support or Universal Credit for more than 2 children, unless the children were born before 6 April 2017 or exceptions apply.
One of those exceptions applies if:
- your child was conceived as a result of a non-consensual sexual act (including rape), or
- you were in a controlling or coercive relationship with the other biological parent of the child at the time of the conception
To apply for an extra amount for that child, fill in this form with the help of a:
- healthcare professional
- specialist support worker from an approved organisation listed on this page
- registered social worker
Use the separate form for Northern Ireland if you live there.
If you need this form in a different format
Contact the office that pays your benefit to ask for:
- a printed copy of the form
- a different format, such as large print, braille or audio CD
Updates to this page
Added a specialist support worker from Rape Crisis England and Wales to the list of approved third party professionals who can complete these forms in England.
Clarified guidance on which third party professionals can complete parts 2 and 3 of the form.
Replaced Northern Ireland form and guidance with links to the documents on NI Direct and the Northern Ireland Department for Communities websites.
Form NCC1 'Support for a child conceived without your consent' separated from 'Support for a child conceived without your consent' guidance attachment.
Attachments 'Support for a child conceived without your consent' (NCC1) and 'Guidance for Third Parties – Support for a child conceived without the claimant’s consent' (NCC guidance for third parties) updated.
Added Refuge to the list of approved third party professionals who can complete these forms.
Published updated forms and guidance to clarify that the claimant must not be living with the other biological parent of the child.
Added Welsh versions of the form and guidance.
Removed Dogs Trust Freedom Project form list of third party professionals.
First published.