
Cymorth ar gyfer plentyn a feichiogwyd heb eich caniatâd

Ffurflen i wneud cais am fudd-dal neu gredydau treth ychwanegol ar gyfer plentyn a feichiogwyd heb eich caniatâd, os ydynt eich trydydd pentyn neu blentyn dilynnol.



Ni fyddwch yn cael eich talu swm ychwanegol o Gredyd Treth Plant, Cymhorthdal Incwm neu Gredyd Cynhywsol ar gyfer mwy na 2 o blant, oni bai bod y plant wedi cael eu geni cyn 6 Ebrill 2017 eithriadau’n yn berthnasol.

Mae un o’r eithriadau hynny yn berthnasol os::

  • cafodd eich plentyn ei feichiogi o ganlyniad i weithred rhywiol heb eich caniatâd (yn cynnwys treisio), neu
  • roeddech mewn perthynas â rhiant biolegol arall y plentyn oedd yn agored i reolaeth neu orfodaeth barhaus ar adeg beichiogi’r plentyn

I wneud cais am swm ychwanegol ar gyfer y plentyn hwnnw, llenwch y ffurflen hon gyda chymorth:

  • gweithiwr gofal iechyd proffesiynol
  • gweithiwr cymorth arbennigol o gymdeithas sydd wedi gymeradwyo a restrir ar y dudalen hon
  • gweithiwr cymdeithasol cofrestredig

Defnyddiwch ffurflen ar wahân ar gyfer Gogledd Iwerddon os ydych yn byw yno.

Os ydych angen y ffurflen hon mewn fformat gwahanol

Cysylltwch â’r swyddfa sy’n talu eich budd-dal i ofyn am:

  • gopi o’r ffurflen wedi’i hargraffu
  • fformat gwahanol, fel print mawr, braille neu CD sain

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 6 April 2017
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 8 November 2023 + show all updates
  1. Added a specialist support worker from Rape Crisis England and Wales to the list of approved third party professionals who can complete these forms in England.

  2. Clarified guidance on which third party professionals can complete parts 2 and 3 of the form.

  3. Replaced Northern Ireland form and guidance with links to the documents on NI Direct and the Northern Ireland Department for Communities websites.

  4. Form NCC1 'Support for a child conceived without your consent' separated from 'Support for a child conceived without your consent' guidance attachment.

  5. Attachments 'Support for a child conceived without your consent' (NCC1) and 'Guidance for Third Parties – Support for a child conceived without the claimant’s consent' (NCC guidance for third parties) updated.

  6. Added Refuge to the list of approved third party professionals who can complete these forms.

  7. Published updated forms and guidance to clarify that the claimant must not be living with the other biological parent of the child.

  8. Added Welsh versions of the form and guidance.

  9. Removed Dogs Trust Freedom Project form list of third party professionals.

  10. First published.

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