Teaching Regulation Agency
Teacher misconduct
This collection contains information about regulating the teaching profession and the process for dealing with cases of serious misconduct.

This service lets you download your teaching certificates and change the name on them. You can also check the details of your initial teacher training and induction.

Find out how to obtain qualified teacher status (QTS) to teach in a maintained school or non-maintained special school in England.

Latest from the Teaching Regulation Agency
What we do
Responsibility for the regulation of the teaching profession, including misconduct hearings and the maintenance of a record of teachers, trainee teachers and those who hold a teacher reference number.
TRA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Education.
Transparency and freedom of information releases
Our management

Contact TRA
Teaching Regulation Agency
5 Quinton Road
United Kingdom
Teacher misconduct
020 7593 5393
Information about regulating the teaching profession and the process for dealing with serious teacher misconduct.
Lines are open Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, and on Friday from 9am to 4:30pm (except public holidays).
Qualified teacher status
Support for trainee teachers and teachers accessing their teaching qualifications.
Employer Access
Information for employers about conducting statutory teacher status checks.
Our helpdesk no longer provides support by phone but you can contact us by email instead.
Early career teacher (ECT) induction
Information for ECTs and appropriate bodies regarding the statutory ECT induction period and data returns to TRA.
Our helpdesk no longer provides support by phone but you can contact us by email instead.
Media enquiries
Central newsdesk
020 7783 8300
Make an FOI request
- Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
- Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
- Make a new request by contacting us using the details below.
Freedom of information (FOI) requests
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
United Kingdom
Before making an FOI request please check if the information you are requesting is already published in our annual report or published decisions.
Corporate information
Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information.