2017 performance tables: technical and vocational qualifications
Technical and vocational qualifications for teaching from September 2015 and reporting in 2017 performance tables.
Applies to England
These documents include:
- 2 new qualification categories:
- technical awards, for reporting in the key stage 4 performance tables in 2017 (these are practical qualifications for 14- to 16-year-old students)
- technical certificates, for reporting in the 16 to 19 performance tables in 2017
- the list of qualifications in the tech level category, for reporting in the 16 to 19 performance tables in 2017
- the list of qualifications in the applied general qualifications category, for reporting in the 16 to 19 performance tables in 2017
Updates to this page
Updated the document for qualifications in the technical award category.
Updated '2017 key stage 4 performance tables: qualifications in the technical award category' document to reflect the addition of one qualification.
Updated the hyperlinks in the 3 '2017 16 to 19 performance tables' documents: 'qualifications in the technical certificate category', 'qualifications in the tech level category' and 'qualifications in the applied general category'.
Replaced '2017 key stage 4 performance tables: qualifications in the technical award category' to reflect the addition of new level 1 qualifications - the document introduction explains the changes.
Updated '2017 16 to 19 performance tables: qualifications in the tech level category' document. 2 'Active IQ' qualifications have moved from health and social care to the sport and active leisure section.
Updated qualification lists in all documents.
Added the corrected '2017 16 to 19 performance tables: qualifications in the applied general category' document.
Temporarily removed '2017 16 to 19 performance tables: qualifications in the applied general category' to correct a technical error.
Added the document '2017 16 to 19 performance tables: qualifications in the applied general qualifications category'.
First published.